Mercury Circle 01/10/2003

We’d heard some gurgling/singing noises in the cabinet then some lip smacking which sounded like someone wanted to speak…

Communicator… ‘Hello, Hello..’

All… ‘Hello’

Comm… ‘D,D,D,D,Difficult, difficult’

Nick… ‘What difficult to speak?’

Comm… ‘It’s difficult’

Les… ‘You’re doing very well’

Nick… ‘We can understand you, keep trying’

Daisy… ‘Who are you?’

Comm…’Just an old man’

Daisy… ‘You’re very welcome’

Comm… ‘I… like… I,I,I, like’

Nick… ‘What is it you like’

Comm… ‘Here… here’

Nick… ‘You like it here?’

Comm… ‘Yes’

Daisy… ‘Is it the first time you’ve spoken?’

Comm… ‘Yes’

Nick… ‘You’re doing very well for the first time’

Daisy… ‘Do you like our music?’

Comm… ‘No’

Nick… ‘Do you like our singing?’

Comm… ‘No’

Nick… ‘What sort of music do you like?’

Comm… ‘I like… I like Waltzing Matilda, I like that one’

Nick… ‘We’ll try to include that one next week, then you can sing along with us’

Comm... ‘Yes… I don’t know why oh why I speak with you’

Nick… ‘You don’t know why you speak with us?’

Comm… ‘I like it here’

Daisy… ‘That’s good’

The voice broke up then Sparrow came in singing ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside’ in independent voice…

Daisy… ‘Hello Sparrow, is that you?’

Sparrow… ‘Yes… how did ya guess me?’

Daisy… ‘I felt you, I sensed you’

Sparrow… ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… yeah… weeeeeee…’

Daisy… ‘You sound very happy’

Sparrow… ‘Course I am… I’m happy… happy’

Nick… ‘That was almost in my ear then!’

Sparrow… ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhg’

Daisy… ‘That’s amazing’

Nick… ‘Very good independent voice’

Sparrow… ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside…’ (very loud in Nick’s ear)

Nick… ‘I’ve gone deaf now!’

Sparrow… ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha…’

Nick… ‘Go and do that in Les’s ear, make her go deaf’

Sparrow… ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha… Oh I do like to be beside the seaside… etc…’

Nick… ‘Do you know any other songs?’

Sparrow… ‘Err… Knees up Mother Brown… etc…’

Daisy… ‘How’s everyone your side Sparrow’

Sparrow… ‘They good Mrs, they good…’

Tob… ‘Tob’

All… ‘Hello Tob’

Tob… ‘Welcome again to you’

Nick… ‘You’ve done very well tonight with the independent voice’

Tob… ‘That’s because we have very good partnership. The woman gone deep, deep, deep… We will be trying to make our time together more understandable to you for we have many things to do on our side and sometimes you feel neglected but it is important that we do everything to the best of our abilities for work is no good if we are not coming to you with great love, great honesty for anything less is not worth using the energy for that energy can be used for other things. It is important that we join with energies and the work that we do aspire to for what is there to achieve if we can not give a first class way of working. In the future we will meet and hold one another and we can celebrate but in the meantime we all have to work to achieve and when life becomes difficult for you do what is your best ability to make you feel happy. There are many problems that you have in your everyday world. I want to say to you look around you my dear friends for there are many, many who have much more reason to cry and your troubles are petty in comparison. I hope you realise that I am William speaking…’

Nick… ‘You are William… I thought you were sounding different’

William… ‘I think when you find that life is quite horrid and unkind to you… look around, look at the sad, sad situations in the world… You live in an economic climate where you can have treatment when you are ill, food given to you when you are hungry so you are rich indeed. Look at what the conflicts and the explosions have done. How much have these people to take. It is so wrong that so many people do suffer. I am aware, rather aware that some of you are feeling a little discontented and I have taken the liberty of bringing in to your vision and into your mind that you have to consider yourself extremely wealthy in comparison  to so many in your world. I hope that I can speak with you now on a more cheerful note. I hope that you understand that you sit in a circle in the dark. We over here are many characters and many people come and have a look at you and they are very amused by you. I don’t mean that in a rude way but they do find it quite peculiar that people are prepared to sit in the dark and hope to get contact with a world they’re not really sure is there… you haven’t seen it have you, but you are very aware of it… I just wanted to let you know, anyway this is me darlings…’

Daisy… ‘I thought it was’

Freddie… ‘We’re all having a go’

Daisy… ‘That’s good, it’s lovely to hear your voice’

Freddie… ‘Yes I know, it’s been a very good evening’

Les… ‘We’ve played lots of your music tonight, it’s been brilliant’

Freddie… ‘I was very good, still am in fact…anyway wonderful to be with you again… the old tart’s a bit like a ventriloquist tonight, I do hope the days that you spend before you come back next time for our circle are full of love, light and happiness’

All… ‘Thank you’

Tob… ‘Tob, Tob, ho, ho, ho…’

Nick… ‘We don’t know who’s coming next tonight!’

Tob… ‘Time to end now… and to each of you, our love to wrap you up and keep you warm, au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob thank you’