Mercury Circle 07/04/2004

This was our last sitting at Colin Fry’s Spirit Lodge before he turned it into an office. We were two sitters down this week and the energy felt low.
After Tob’s usual welcome we heard some singing in the cabinet which appeared to be moving around. It was the ‘Indian Love Call’

‘Oh Rosemary I love you…
When I'm calling you
Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo
Will you answer too?
Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo’

Then Freddie came through...

Nick… ‘Good to hear you again’

Freddie… ‘Yes, it’s been quite a struggle dear’

Nick… ‘I expect it has tonight, we’re missing two sitters’

Freddie… ‘Never mind, can’t be helped… There’s a few backsides I’d like to spank. I’ll get her next time, anyway darlings not a lot of energy, so I’ll let you listen to that wonderful music’

Nick… ‘We’ll put the music back on again shall we?’

Freddie… ‘I think so yes… Au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’

We put the music back on then as we were singing along to ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ a new communicator was heard…

Comm… ‘I beg your pardon… I hope you don’t mind if I just have a quick word with you’

All… ‘No not at all, please do’

Comm… ‘When you are listening to your music you will hear the word ‘Galileo’…
They could see. They knew what was going to happen to your earth. They were great masters… Where has it gone? Where has it gone too?

Really I just wanted to say to you be guided by the philosophy and the wise words that you hear from the peaceful man. Forget the warmongering. Forget the instigators of the fighting for they are not wise they are foolish.

Read all the philosophers and take meaning from their words and it will have a calming influence and just use philosophy as the man Galileo did and you maybe will prevent wars and destruction of human kind.

Do not allow them to do this to you. Stand up and shout for peace and love and unity. If you don’t have unity then you are failing. You must unite in your ideas and you must unite in your thoughts of peace and love and most of all of the creation of your world.

Not only do humans suffer, you have animals that suffer. Can you imagine the pain that this conflict is causing? We beseech you to think and pray thoughts of peace for when there is combat no one can win. There are vast amounts of casualties not always the ones on the battle fields, it extends far beyond.

We cry for you. We cry at the destruction and disruption of the world that was meant to be so beautiful and in your different lands there is much that can be learnt from each other. There is much tasting and enjoying of one another’s cultures.

I beg of you pray for peace and live your life with peaceful heart and mind. Try not to enter conflict no matter what is done to you. I beseech of you. I beseech thee to pray for peace for the sake of future children that are coming to you. Let them inherit your peaceful philosophy. Do not allow yourself to become victim of passion and anger. That can only point to destruction.

Do not fear my words but I ask you for prayers for peace to enable us to secure your energies that they may be used to bring light and understanding to the battle fields. For there are many, many disasters that have befallen your world in the name of God and religion and you are enlightened enough to know that this is stupidity and ignorance.

Lift your hearts up high in the thoughts of a loving giving sharing world for it holds so much beauty. I am your servant, thank you’

All… ‘Thank you’

Tob then came through to close the evening…

Tob… ‘Yes… we have used the energy now and we hope to meet as we usually do for our meeting of heart and mind and we all must congratulate ourselves and big pat on back for we have love and light in our hearts and minds.
I do love you all. I do love your world. You must not be despondent with the words. They make very good sense. But you must be solders of light and we come together again and we join together in love and light and harmony. I say to you au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob, thank you’