Mercury Circle 28/09/2004

With two sitters away this week it was just Daisy, Travis and Nick sitting with Joan.

There was less phenomena but more talking in fact communicators could be heard as Nick opened. Then Tob came through…

Tob… ‘Good friends, good friends together once again. Two dimensions together in love, in light, in honesty. We work, play music and we will work… Au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob’

After a few tunes an unknown communicator came through…

Comm… ‘People’

All… ‘Hello’

Comm… ‘People… people say… say to people this is wonderful’

Daisy… ‘Yes it is’

Comm… ‘Yes this is a wonderful thing; this is not a bad thing to do… Many people feel that it is great injustice done to the world of spirit in contacting the dead. You will find many people who do not agree… There are many injustices in the world but you must not, you must not dwell on it, for we are the champions’

Daisy… ‘We certainly are!!!’

Travis… ‘I wonder where that came from, ha, ha’

Comm… ‘Yes we don’t need to fight; we don’t need to fight ever. All people pray for a perfect world, pray for your peace on Earth. There are many injustices which make us sad but we cannot allow ourselves to remain sad for there is much to do… I want you to imagine all the people in this world who are working for the good of the Earth. Our world is a world of people just as your world is. You see different people every day all doing what they have to do in that day. We of course are similar to this in our world, only difference is we realise the stupidity of injustice. I don’t want to become morbid. I don’t want to depress you but I ask you to use the power of prayer. It would be very welcome to us. I don’t have a message as such I just ask for your prayers… thank you’

All… ‘Thank you’

Freddie came through…

Daisy… ‘Hello you’

Freddie… ‘Hello you dear… it’s going to be one of those nights is it dear… Oh we are but few, but we are big in personalities aren’t we darlings. Of course we can manage but we do miss our little friends. We can wait till they come back in the meantime I have to make do with you people. It pleases me it does. You really have got the wrong end of the straw dear. I am not being naughty, I’m very happy that it’s just you people here that means I have someone to talk to. Anyway I want you to imagine that you are learning to drive a car, a bit like the things we are doing except you have to build the engine, we’re going to put the shiny bits on soon…’

Nick… ‘Have you got any wheels on it yet?’

Freddie… ‘Yes’

Travis… ‘Running on unleaded?’

Freddie… ‘I’m not going to answer that’

Daisy… ‘Driven by the power of thought’

Freddie… ‘Thank you dear, someone worth speaking to anyway… Well, have you anything to ask me?’

Travis… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘Go on then’

Travis… ‘On your side do you come across people you never got on with on this side? And how do you face them? And must you face them?

Freddie… ‘Well you don’t have to face them but you know the old saying, you have to forgive to be forgiven. But you know there are still personalities that you are not connecting with. The sensible thing is not to show any animosity and to agree to differ that you are different until your earthly personality doesn’t matter anymore… You always keep your personality but the earthly taint on it goes, but in the meantime you know we still have a bit of a lark… disagreeing on some preferences… but we have to learn to love one another. You may not always like what some people do but you have to try to understand why they are doing it… Is that enough for you dear?’

Travis… ‘That’s lovely yes thank you’

Daisy… ‘So in a way it’s like exercising tolerance isn’t it?’

Freddie… ‘Yes… well no darling it isn’t really because tolerating people is still in a way disliking them. You have to be quite honest with them and say I don’t agree with what you are saying or doing but if that person feels that they are doing the right thing who am I to tell them they are wrong. You see we are all different but we’re all very much alike. There are certain people amongst us that we had misunderstandings with on the earth and then the majority of them you meet up with again over here and you realise how silly the disagreements have been and how ridiculous to have created those waves around you… We have disagreements over here to but we don’t hurt one another. On a lower energy level there are people who have a lot of learning to do… they’re not perfect nor are they imperfect. Most people are in-between, they know right from wrong and we just live and we learn to understand a person who thinks differently to the way that we do… do you understand?’

Daisy… ‘Yes… there are times when I have a vision or very strong thoughts about friends on your side and sometimes I’m thinking about a particular person more often is it because…’

Freddie… ‘…They are letting you know they are around, they’re impressing’

Daisy… ‘Is there any particular reason?’

Freddie… ‘They are just fond of you or perhaps you’re having a problem or you’re needing a bit of strength, moral support, that they come around and help you out as it were… If you’re in need and you send your thoughts to us we receive them immediately and we do what we are allowed to do and quite often, well it’s a fact not often, it’s a fact that the more you can relax the more contact will be made with you and if you can spare a little while every day to send your thoughts out you’ll find that your gift will become stronger. You know you have to use it, don’t let it close down… If you relax and just send a kind thought, don’t expect anything back, it will build from there dear. And really the relaxation while you are sending your thoughts out is good for you. It’s good for you to be completely relaxed. It makes you feel at peace and it puts things in the right perspective dear because when you get agitated about something, you know… sometimes things are rather… have an ecstatic feeling or you have a completely morose feeling, swings in the emotions, you can’t always judge and go the right way… where as if you sit down for a few minutes, just relax, things come into perspective’

Daisy… ‘Yes very true’

Travis… ‘Do you tend to hear the news on our side?’

Freddie… ‘We are very aware of what goes on; it makes us very sad… So many beautiful people and so many beautiful things that they are doing but all this is marred and is obscured by the conflict which the majority of people realise is wrong. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are it’s wrong… who’s right who’s wrong we don’t care we only know it’s wrong to kill people. Far better to come over here naturally and you see we get these people coming over here and they haven’t really lived their lives… Send your prayers we’re desperately in need of this… If my friends could hear me now they wouldn’t believe it!!! But I always prayed when I was on the earth, I always believed, I may not have shouted about it but I always did believe… I don’t seem to have any humour tonight?’

Daisy… ‘I’ve been slacking on my prayers recently, I’ll make a point of sending them’

Freddie… ‘Oh darling you don’t have to get on your hands and knees!!! Really it’s just as the day goes through, just send a thought. And you know sometimes you can go to sleep as you’re saying your prayers but as long as the intention is there, the kindness is there, you know the good kind thoughts. You know darlings you’d be absolutely delighted if you could see the colours that are created by your prayers it’s wonderful, yes it’s like music… The colours they blend and they flash and they blend and these are all your prayers and kind thoughts and kind deeds… And you know darlings have you noticed when you’re in a bad mood it affects everyone around you and when you’re in a good mood and the world is looking good, you’re world, you’re personal world where you can smile and you may not have everything you’ve ever dreamed of but you know when you can smile about it, it isn’t nearly as bad… We’re pretty damn lucky dears believe you me for we have many, many people who are extremely… oh I can’t even think of the word darlings, there isn’t a word to describe it… the despair… so you see darlings we’ve got nothing to moan about so let’s see you smiling every day… I shall be checking up’

Daisy… ‘The trouble is Freddie, when I’m smiling at work they say ‘What are you on?’’

Freddie… ‘Well you just say… ‘I have a dose off…’ Now what have you got a dose of darling let’s be understanding about that. You must not stop being happy because people think you are taking something… You just say… ‘I am on my life trip and I realise how happy I am’ I hope I’m not sounding too dire about this you see we have much to be thankful for and if you are thankful and smiling and being happy just say… ‘I have had a shot of an understanding of life’ and try and pass it on like pass the parcel… pass the smile’

Daisy… ‘Elton John has just released a new single called ‘All that I’m allowed’ and it’s a beautiful song, he’s thankful for all the blessings he has had and he has been allowed more than most people, he’s shouting about how grateful he is… When I first heard it I had tears of happiness in my eyes’

Freddie… ‘That is wonderful, he has been very lucky, I knew him very well dear we were great friends… and you see dears he abused the gifts he was given… He didn’t abuse the gifts he was given but he abused the gift he had. He was able to live and travel rather to the extreme. Of course the old drugs came in and the alcohol but have you noticed as soon as he found someone he truly loved he pulled himself together. So you see darlings it’s love that comes, it’s the core of everything but he’s very funny, very clever and a big personality and the man is happy. He is extreme in the way he lives but you know darlings I think the majority of people would be if they had his wealth, and I mean financial wealth but some people say how much more can a man have but he has the financial wealth to be himself and travel and do things where as the ordinary nine to fiver is grinding day after day, we can’t do it but you mustn’t feel sorry for yourselves. It is the way it should be for you’

Daisy… ‘Yes it’s what we have to learn isn’t it’

Freddie… ‘Yes, and isn’t it wonderful when one realises how lucky they are and you know darlings these people don’t always just keep the wealth for themselves, he does much charitable work… Anyway it’s so good to speak to you as usual and we have all your friends and relatives and animals all still very interested and you know darlings sometimes on our side it can be so frustrating because we are wanting to tell you something and we can’t get through so I suppose we’ve arrived back to the question you asked me at the beginning, when I think of these people are they around. They invariably are darling but even if they’re not around you and you suddenly think of them they are aware that you are thinking of them just say hello and I hope you are doing well that way darling is the way you will build your link… it’s not just you darling but all of you, yes, I don’t know what else you want to talk about, I think you’re wonderful’

Nick… ‘Will our friends and relatives eventually be able to talk at these séances?’

Freddie… ‘Yes we will bring them through dear, don’t become inpatient… Has she the ability? Yes… Have you the ability? Yes… Have we the ability? Yes…’

Travis… ‘Ticks in the right boxes’

Freddie… ‘Yes, in a way it’s joining the boxes together dear… Let me give you a tip. When you want to sit quietly and talk to us imagine that you have all these friends all around you and you say to one of them please step forward I’d like to speak with you and make that your routine… and then I want your homework in about a month’s time!!!’

Daisy… ‘And then what we think they have told us you can confirm if they are right’

Freddie… ‘Well I don’t know about that dear, I’m not a wonder, wonder, wonder boy… pretty wonderful but not that wonderful… anyway I’m going to go darlings’

Daisy… ‘We will try that’

Freddie… ‘Yes try that. Not only will it benefit you and the people who want to contact you but it will build your strength for this circle. Just do it… Anyway I’m off, I’m going to ride my bike, Au revoir darlings’

All… Au revoir Freddie’

Sparrow… ‘Hello’

Daisy… ‘Is that you Sparrow?’

Sparrow… ‘Oh, watchya, watchya…’

Nick… ‘Good to hear from you again’

Daisy… ‘How are you?’

Sparrow… ‘Oh I’m good’

Travis… ‘Last week you didn’t have your Cockney accent did you?’

Sparrow… ‘Well I don’t have it all the time ya see I had my like big voice’

Nick… ‘It was an interesting experiment’

Sparrow… ‘Yeh it was… I wish you could see over ‘ere just for a little while… I’m not wishing you all to be dead!!!’

Daisy… ‘Just for five minutes’

Sparrow… ‘Yeh, then we can show ya what we’re doing… However we can’t do that, we come a long way ya know, innit stupid, it is stupid the way it happens. I like to come and see you all in Sussex by the sea. You can’t get much nearer the sea, we brought you all down here together, it were meant to be you see’

Travis… ‘Did you ever come down to the south coast?’

Sparrow… ‘Nah… never had any money’

Daisy… ‘But now you can go any time you want’

Sparrow… ‘I’ve seen it all now… yes, I gotta go, we good friends now, the dead and the living… I ain’t dead, no bloody way am I dead. But no aches or pains no more…’

Travis… ‘And no debts’

Sparrow… ‘We don’t want to bother about money, we get by. You will get by duck, don’t you worry about anything, not worth it. If you haven’t got a few bob in your back pocket you just watch and see how you cope with it. You may not be able to do all the things you want to do while you’re living on the earth… However… the energy going for gawd’s sake, for gawd’s sake, old blow box has used it all up ain’t he… hero… we’re familiar now so I can say what I want. I don’t have to be all respectful. I found that very hard, I gotta go… tara’

All… ‘Tara’

Sparrow… ‘Can ya do me a favour? You know that song, all go round the mulberry bush, will ya sing it?’

We all did as we were told

Sparrow… ‘Yeh, I like it… gotta go… cor blimey mister’

Another unknown communicator came through…

‘All children… always look at world with child’s eyes even though you may not behave like children. Being an adult is sometimes quite difficult… thank you’

Tob then came through to close…

‘Tob, ah yes, time to go, time I give you my love, keep it in your hand, carry it with you, two music, good wishes and bright light to all of you… Au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob, thank you’