Mercury Circle 30/11/2004

Sitters... Les, Travis, Daisy, Caroline, Nick.
Medium... Joan.

We all turned up this week and Tob soon came through with his usual welcome…

‘Welcome… Welcome one, welcome two, welcome three, welcome four, welcome five… No five, no, all one… All one, all one yes, clever Tob, yes very good… No, no, no must talk no rubbish, time to work, Au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob’

Daisy put the music on and we all sang along to build up the energy.
We were all reporting colours, a charged milky atmosphere, a thump on the floor, cobwebs on the face etc...
Daisy could see a light around each sitter.
Then she saw a pole of light coming up from Joan in the cabinet which was connected to all of us with what looked like ribbons from a May Pole.

Then Freddie came through…

Daisy… ‘Wonderful light show’

Freddie… ‘Yes darling we’ve done hard work, it’s pay day, collect your salaries from here dear… Oh I’m such a silly man sometimes… Wonderful as usual to have the opportunity to speak with you… I can’t stay so very long’

Les… ‘Freddie can I ask you a question?’

Freddie… ‘Yes darling of course you can’

Les… ‘Last week the medium was talking about seeing you during the sitting as if you were in trance… Can you cast any light on that for us?’

Freddie… ‘Yes similar procedure darling. Yes we all have a part to play and we work as a group and we also have our individual parts to play. So you see we build our energies here to mingle with yours as well and to improve our communications. I can be active in our group or I can go and build an energy to enable us to have different kinds of communication. When I am getting ready to speak with you then I relax and try to combine the energies and move closer. It give me I suppose a kind of meditation. If I think of you I can draw close to you and when I am in trance as you say, it isn’t a trance like Jo-Jo, it’s a preparation… yes, is that quite clear as mud?’

Les… ‘No… thank you it is clear’

Freddie… ‘Can’t you hear the noises dear… the clicks?’

Nick… ‘We heard a thump on the floor’

Freddie… ‘Yes’

Nick… ‘It’s difficult with the music playing to hear clicks and things clearly’

Freddie… ‘Yes well we’ve had a few’

Daisy… ‘Last week we heard some clicks’

Freddie… ‘Yes, I think maybe we’re going to have to see if we can make it more obvious to you… yes… Oh haven’t we grown up together, it is a circle of light, it is a circle of love…’

Les… ‘Are you coming to the party with us on Sunday?’

Freddie… ‘Oh of course… I’ll put my high heels and earrings on!!!’

Caroline… ‘Any excuse, ha, ha’

Freddie… ‘Yes… however I have to go now, I’m sorry I can’t stay but you know I think you can all sense the change here… and so we mustn’t use it to be trivial… I do enjoy coming and having a word with you, so as I have said we have become such firm friends… I know the Mercury Circle is quite often in your minds as you go through your week. It is also on in our minds, we are as ambitious and as keen as you… soon, soon… all I can promise you is soon. Au revoir darlings’

All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’

Later another communicator came through…

‘Busy, busy, people… we’ve been busy people… I want to say thank you because you are all different, you are all individuals, you have different ways of living, you have different life styles but you are all one. We are all one. It is important that you understand how important it all is to be here, it is very important. We have to familiarise ourselves along the journey that we make together and once we meet at the same point we walk on. We are not entertainers; we want to bring the two worlds together. It may be a drop in the ocean, our effort, as soon as your world and our world become close there will be more happiness for all and we are very happy to be so near. We don’t want to make big wave, we want it smooth and it to lap against the earth and when we lap against the earth we can bring you love and some calm and some light. This is the reason for our journey. You have been kept waiting a long time. Not only did we not want to make this entertainment, we wanted you to mix and to collaborate amongst yourselves so we can carry on with our journey and when we come to a resting point where we arranged to meet you we can watch people walking towards us so that we can wash them with our love and let that lap of love and lap on energy wash them clean and help to revive their low spirits because of illness, because of grief… This is our reason… We do like to give you information. We do not expect you to sit at this place for long times and have no explanation. I hope what I have said to you has improved your understanding of it all, not that you are lacking in understanding. I would just like you to know at what stage we are at… Thank you very much’

All… ‘Thank you, very interesting’

Tob… ‘Tob’

All… ‘Hello Tob’

Tob… ‘Yes you have created much energy, you have all had much energy taken from you and we now say it is time to leave you once again. I give to you all that I allow to give. I will walk with you, make you a promise to yourself. Today I am lucky, I feel light. Let me share this light with kind words, kind love, kind thought for we are all aware of the things that are really of importance. I appreciate that you do have material things. I understand that you feel happy when you have all that you need. When you no have all you need this is a test of you. If you are comfortable then that is beautiful. When you feel that you have need for more this is a test as to how you deal with that situation. We have no objection to you feeling happy and comfortable with your home and your life. That is holiday time yes. When winter come and you are feeling cold you must all try to go beyond the cold and that is the test. I speak in riddles but I hope that you understand me yes? Is time to leave you but not leave you. We look to you for help and you have given your help and your love to enable us to ease the winter test of people… I go for the energy now go and she interfere. Much love to you, I say two music and au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob’

Daisy put two tunes on before Nick called Joan back.
Joan felt there had been people in the cabinet with her looking out at us. She had felt thuds on the ground and shaking of her chair…