Mercury Circle 25/01/2005
Sitters… Les, Travis, Daisy, Caroline, Nick.
Medium… Joan.
After the usual welcome from Tob we had a lot of sucking/slurping noises from the cabinet suggesting they were working on independent voice.
Then after a quiet period Freddie came through for a chat followed by Tob…
Freddie… ‘Radio radio darlings’
All… ‘Hello Freddie’
Freddie… ‘I thought you were dead!’
Nick… ‘We thought you were as well’
Freddie… ‘I was so frightened darlings; I thought I didn’t have an audience… Oh hello dears…’
Nick… ‘What’s it like this evening?’
Freddie… ‘It’s doing alright dears. You may not be feeling a lot but we are… yes it’s very good… sometimes you just want to be entertained, well we’re not going to have spoilt children here so behave yourselves… is anyone having anything they would like to talk about?’
Travis… ‘How did you get on with your concert after the tsunami?’
Daisy… ‘Singing to the children’
Freddie… ‘Well everything that improves, not so much the generosity but if the concert can make people have the feel-good factor about themselves because they are being kind then this is nothing but good is it dear. We’re getting the feeling of people caring for one another, a pouring out of sympathy and wanting to help. So you see it isn’t only a black hole, there is some light in there but I think the way you have to view it is that there are always some positive things that make people think about the world and one another and this cannot be bad at all… So you mustn’t dwell. You see dears those people were meant to come here, some of those children were meant to be orphans, it is all in the little red book as it were. You’re always being told we watch how you behave in whatever situation may present itself to you, so this is the gist of it, really dears yes… Does that answer your question Neddy?’
Travis (AKA Neddy)… ‘Yes thank you very much’
Freddie… ‘That’s good cause otherwise tough… Come on shoot them at me darlings. Come on I’m ready for you. We haven’t had a chat for ages have we, I’m all yours dears… yes I see you’re all boiling over with curiosity…’
Les… ‘How are things over there? I know you said you were very busy settling lots of souls’
Freddie… ‘Well you have… We have our usual ratio that come over any old way you know and are due to be here and then of course we are aware and we are always ready and we are always capable of whatever happens here but it’s the panic and strangeness from the new arrivals. So really what we have to do is make them feel at home and that is a job and a lot of our people here come over to your side and as the soul leaves the body they take it by the hand and lead them here very gently and kindly… So yes we can get them over here, it’s mending their minds I suppose you know, quite a shock, some of them have to have a long sleep and some healing energy. They are as right as rain once they acclimatise to us’
Caroline… ‘Do you have countries over there so people go to their own country when they go over?’
Freddie… ‘Well that is the beginnings dear, that is when people are still feeling their Earthly ties but as you progress you no longer have a nationality. You no longer have a title, you become so involved in moving to another level, then the Earthly ties disappear to a certain extent and so then it is that nationalities come as no consequence whatsoever. Do you understand me?’
Caroline… ‘Yes’
Freddie… ‘Yes it’s as if they grow. You see what a pity it didn’t happen on Earth and then you wouldn’t be having the problems that you are having now’
Caroline… ‘When I think of your side I think of you up in the clouds but you’re not, you’re in another dimension parallel with ours aren’t you?’
Freddie… ‘Yes… We have grass, we have trees, we have butterflies, we have birds, we have everything and more that you have on your Earth. We have houses, we have concerts, stadiums, we have rivers, we have seas, we can even allow you to go on an ocean liner and have a cruise’
Caroline… ‘But you’re not on a planet are you?’
Freddie… ‘How do you know...? I can’t explain to you that we are on a higher vibration… and it is lighter here, it is so much lighter but life, you know the saying dear, life goes on, life bloody well does go on darling, believe you me, so don’t be afraid of coming over here and meeting up with me dear… We can go on an ocean liner if you want…’
Caroline… ‘I’ll hold you to that Freddie’
Freddie… ‘And you don’t have to buy a ticket’
Daisy… ‘Really, you just show up?’
Freddie… ‘Yes… you see dear you would only want to go on an ocean liner if it is something you wanted to do while on Earth, and the thing really is when you get over here you have maybe moved a little further on and don’t need to go on the ocean liner… do you understand what I am saying?’
Caroline… ‘Because it’s all in your mind?’
Freddie… ‘No, no, no, no… we are alive and kicking dear, we are alive and kicking… we laugh, we sing, we dance, we joke. We are happy because we are aware of things that you are not aware of and we have a different atmosphere’
Caroline… ‘But you don’t eat do you? You don’t sleep?’
Freddie… ‘If you want to sleep you may sleep, you are whatever you have created for yourself on Earth then it shall be given to you… and you can be as you want to be until you become a little more knowledgeable and you realise that some of the things you would have liked to have done on Earth sometimes become well a little childish but there is great fun to be having on a boat… yes why not be children and we can do what we are allowed to do because we have earned it… we have earned our trip on the ocean liner. We have all kinds of animals here that we can mix with… you know darlings how many times have we to say to you, the lion lays down with the lamb… because, simply because there isn’t any animosity, no one need be afraid of one another’
Caroline… ‘There’s no relationships as such?’
Freddie… ‘You can have a loving relationship, I’m not saying… if you want to have sex on a lower level, yes the ones that are near the Earth if that is your wish then so be it, but then you become a finer being, a finer vibration so that your ecstasy of another person merges and you get a feeling of absolute love. So it is more on a conscious level than a bodily level… wonderful dears, I can recommend it’
Daisy… ‘But you don’t get physically tired over there do you because you don’t have any physical body’
Freddie… ‘That is true’
Daisy… ‘What about mental tiredness or emotional tiredness?’
Freddie… ‘If you feel that you would like to rest then you can do so very easily. Maybe you’re wanting seclusion, maybe you’re wanting to be on your own, to have time to think or to just totally relax and recharge your mind but there is always something that can interest you and that you are interested in. People that you meet are people that you find interesting and that you feel affection for too… you know you have all your old friends over here and you know darlings I have an interest in my music as you are aware. That interest has grown and I have met many interesting people from all different kinds of positions, all different kinds of composers. So you see your mind it broadens and so you can see all of the different levels and different ways of listening and appreciating other people’s ideas. You know it’s very, very interesting, I can highly recommend it’
Travis… ‘You’ve sold it to us’
Caroline… ‘Do you sometimes have a physical body, not physical but do you sometimes have a body and other times don’t depending on how you’re thinking?’
Freddie… ‘No… no… You can slow your vibration down in order to get close to the Earth and the Earth atmosphere is heavy and you take on board as it were but you yourself have a light body, you are still solid, we are not spectres’
Nick… ‘Do you still have the five senses that we have?’
Freddie… ‘We can have them but we don’t require them because we don’t need to eat, so we don’t need to taste but yes we experience all the delights that are there to be experienced… no we don’t need taste buds but we can have taste buds. Some people are still wanting to eat and then people obviously can hear because of the music and you don’t have to have a conversation but the very sound of beauty here… which sounds a ridiculous statement but the sound of the beauty is in the flowers, it’s in the trees and is in the loving atmosphere that we have here’
Nick… ‘Do you see with your eyes?’
Freddie… ‘Yes, yes we see much beauty… You see darlings I am at the level I am at. I can go much higher and when you come to a stage where you are becoming so high you merge into a mind and then you no longer experience the feeling of being alone for you merge with other minds… but those are very, very advanced beings… Am I making myself clear?’
Caroline… ‘Yes but it’s still quite difficult to understand’
Freddie… ‘Oh I know dear, I do realize we sound like fairies really’
Nick… ‘You don’t have night and day over there?’
Freddie… ‘We can have if we want it’
Nick… ‘You don’t have a sun that shines?’
Freddie… ‘We have a sun yes but it is different from yours, it doesn’t hurt your eyes, this is… we do have a light and our sun is very different from yours but you see we have country sides so you have blue skies and sunlight don’t you, you have the vistas of the colours’
Caroline… ‘So when we see our friends and relatives that have gone over, will they be at the same age as when we last saw them?’
Freddie... 'Yes... You see darlings you come over here in your sleep and you experience things here. Quite often people come here when they have passed over from the Earthly plane, they are familiar with their relatives because they have been meeting while they were asleep, so it comes as no surprise because they think oh I can stay here... other times if you are not aware of having visited here, then your relatives would come to you as you would recognise them'
Caroline... 'I dream of my parents and feel I have seen them but don't know if I really have or if they are just in my mind'
Freddie... 'Oh they would be so happy if you could say I can see you, I have experienced you and I understand... So you know they are trying to get a message to you, to explain we are here, we're together, we're fine. You'd better believe it... yes... there will come a time dears when we will prove to you beyond doubt... you'd better believe it darlings'
Nick... 'Have you met all of us in the sleep state?'
Freddie... 'Yes... some of you I keep clear of... nothing to worry about dears, nothing to worry about... anyway I have to go'
All... 'Thank you for that'
Freddie... 'I thought I was very good... I thought I was very good I said'
All... 'You were very good'
Freddie... 'Thank you very much'
Caroline... 'It's still difficult to understand but we think you are very good'
Freddie... 'Yes well it is difficult to explain to you, very difficult dears... anyway I'm going back to heaven'
Daisy... 'Can I come?'
Freddie... 'No you can't play with us today, you're not allowed to play with us today, no way, no you stay where you are dear, there's still work to be done, terribly sorry but you're not allowed, still on red light as far as you're concerned. Don't worry it happens to all of us, we come here and are most pleasantly surprised... anyway have to go...'
All... 'Thank you very much'
Freddie... 'Aurevoir darlings'
Then Tob came through to close...
All... 'Hello Tob'
Tob... 'Yes, yes, happy, happy... it is like trying to describe the moon to you, yes, you see but you no have any recollection of the atmosphere so it is try to explain to you yes, is no foreign land no... no foreign land. It is become more difficult for people to envisage what is like here. It is no longer easy for people to think of this world because there are so many material problems yes. In the days when people were more with nature they could envisage our world, they were able to see, to stop and see the residue from our world yes and you call the catastrophe that happened to your world is bad, is very bad, it hurt many people but as we here explain to you it has brought compassion to many hearts who've been cold for too long and compassion and wanting to help one another is big, big compensation for the hurt that you did feel yes, you understand yes, is important that you understand that your love, your compassion and your wanting to help is good and all the thoughts and patterns that will come to us then they are used, they are used to help many. People who have prayed for these people have been great, many many more prayers come from your Earth, many more at this time and it is helpful to the Earth for from the dark there come the light. Many people who are left on the Earth had this experience, was suffering with grief and with loss of their families and of their homes, they are very sad but we have told you these are things that they must experience yes, it is an experience that will benefit them when they come here, and the children, you may be assured that we walk and we help and we guide and we can no always keep safe for there are people on your Earth who would take opportunity to abuse and abuse situations that is for that problem for them to deal with but you must realise that your life is spent on the Earth is no long, no, and we are aware of the unhappy feelings on the Earth but we have spent our time that was meant for us to be and we come here and we are sometimes shaded from your Earth for it is your problem that you alone must deal with. I am not saying we do no care for you, to help you, but there are times when the people have to deal with problems in their own way, they receive the help that they need yes. I think I now have to leave you and we ask of you to fill your hearts with love and understanding and no matter how hard your day become always try and see beyond the problem yes... Aurevoir'
All... 'Aurevoir Tob thank you'