Mercury Circle 30/07/2003

Freddie gets philosophical

This week there had been a lot of experimenting with direct voice before Freddie came through with a very long and interesting trance communication…

Les… ‘The voice was excellent tonight Freddie, we thought it was coming closer to us…’

Freddie… ‘Thank you darling that is wonderful, you see that is what we’re mainly working on, the voice. That is the most important factor as far as we’re concerned. We can all fly around on our broom sticks you know, do some stunts, but we just feel that if you hear the voices that is more important and we are getting closer and closer at virtually every session. I know the old tart had a downer for a week or two, I did explain to you…’

Les… ‘Yes she feels a lot better this week… she knows you are there Freddie with her, which is a great comfort to her’

Freddie… ‘I do understand, I did move in similar circles, I suppose mine were a slightly different brand you know’

Les… ‘You understand that human condition’

Freddie… ‘Oh very much so and you see darling when you come here, I suppose it intensifies the feeling of the human condition because we get the vibrations from your earth and we can feel and hear the happiness and the sadness and of course we are connected with certain people so then you begin to realise and experience the things that they are experiencing in their lives. You then begin to compare with how you were when you were on the Earth. Maybe not always similar circumstances but there are similarities and that gives you a feeling of being closer to human people… oh, when I say human people I mean people who are living on the Earth… we are human too’

Travis… ‘You sound it’

Freddie… ‘Oh I’m very human dear’

Caroline… ‘I’m glad you’re not alien!’

Freddie… ‘I’m not an alien dear’

Nick… ‘Have you met any aliens on your side?’

Freddie… ‘Well I’ve seen and heard about them yes… but really we are not too concerned as we have our own things to do…’

Caroline… ‘What do they look like?’

Freddie… ‘They are all different shapes and sizes and their minds are very, very astute, but as I say I am not at all familiar with them because I have no reason to be involved. If I could tell you darling I would but I’m not allowed to because it would make no sense what so ever to you and it is only increasing the drama.'

Caroline… ‘Well I like drama… I’d like to see an alien, but I’d probably be terrified’

Freddie… ‘No well it isn’t different and yet it is different over here but you know how your surroundings become very familiar to you?… well these are our surroundings now and the area that we are interested in and explore. It’s where we are meant to be and that is where we spend our time looking at other weird and wonderful things. We have an experience of all creatures that inhabit your Earth and those that don’t inhabit your Earth. I can’t begin to tell you that they’re orange, black and green. I can’t begin to describe them to you simply because I am not allowed to for it is of no benefit. It is not in our scheme of things… I am interested still in my music and how the vibrations of the music can help people and that is what I am learning at the moment with other musicians and artists and so forth… That the vibrations from our work fills us with love and beauty and we try to share it with those people who are still on Earth… I don’t know if you can understand quite what I’m talking about but we have to mind our own business. That I think is the top and bottom of it, yes, we have to explore our own thing and understand things that are becoming new to us in greater depth… I think I put that very well’

Les… ‘How can we hear your music from your side Freddie?’

Freddie… ‘Oh, we are sending it into your mind, you won’t possibly hear the beat but the vibration of the love of our work… The colours that the artist uses and the results of his work is all with love of his work and that love fills his mind with love and it is filtered through… The love filters through from our world. It is so hard to describe it all to you darlings, it really is. It is quite difficult and I don’t know if I am making a very good job of it… It is called love dear and you know we can’t stand watching you so much of your time, not just us from our group but your friends and loved ones, your animals, they hang round you because they are still interested. They are still interested in you because they are still loving you and you know darlings if we could come with what you would think of as miracles if we could lift the clouds and give you a silver lining then we would do that but you know it isn’t the way it works it’s trying to get you to understand for yourself, reaching an understanding with your own mind as to how you feel when you do different things and exactly what area that pleases you and helps you and helps others. You are experiencing many experiences in order that you will find your goal, your individuality. There’s some things that really interest you and you can perfect them and that perfection will give off a vibration of love, all surrounding love in the atmosphere and you see if you find your little niche in life, you find something that you enjoy tremendously, then you have a feeling of having accomplished something and you feel quite joyful because you have accomplished something and the joy is like a pebble in a pond, ripples that expand… oh god I didn’t know I was this intelligent…’

Les… ‘You’re making perfect sense Freddie’

Freddie… ‘I know I am dear, it isn’t always fun but to be here with you and speaking with you… you know we’re all lunatics together aren’t we… but it’s amazing how many people believe there’s more to life than Earth life and you know we look out for people like you and we want to make our presence felt. It’s time we made our presence felt and put a different aspect on life’

Les… ‘Is there any music you prefer us to play?’

Freddie… ‘Oh I have a wide range of music I enjoy, always have done. I can jam it with the boys and I can sit and listen to music from an orchestra. I can watch someone singing to themselves just for enjoyment but I still feel the beauty of it. It’s the thing I love most and they are teaching me to improve all the time. So many different dimensions to what I can do now to what I used to do. It is my love. Of course there are individuals but what we are talking about is our life’s work and expanding on it and enjoying it but you see the music here creates colours too, quite lovely and very, very beautiful and people are generally very kind to each other and we enjoy each other’s company and we do seem to be grouped with people who are at the same stage as you. I’m not saying you can’t mix with people who are further ahead, they teach us but I’m me, I always will be for a long, long time until I’m ready to move so much further on, and it isn’t my choice that I move further on, you know darlings you get an urge and when you get the urge you do it but I’m perfectly happy here for the moment and you know the people I knew on the Earth are getting older and they’re coming over here so it can be quite like old times and it is really very funny when you see the look on their faces with some of the things that happen you have a brilliant sense of humour and it makes you laugh until your sides ache because the people who come over and are not expecting to see what they see and to experience what they experience is absolutely hilarious darlings, they have never seen anything quite like it in any time at all, it is wonderful to see but of course that is the light side of it, we do get the ones who come over here who are very troubled so they are virtually nursed back to health and they are gradually brought into it but it is very difficult to describe it to you, it sounds like Santa Claus is here every day and it isn’t quite like that. We are happy normal working people who have a slightly wider range of experiences than you experience… anyway I’m becoming a bore I think’

All… ‘No, it’s very interesting’

Freddie… ‘It’s not the same, I’m not taking the mickey out of you, it isn’t quite comfortable with me… Yes I do like to make you laugh and I don’t care if you laugh at me because I laugh at you. I laugh at you such a lot dears in your daily lives… You make mountains out of mole hills, you know darlings the best tip I can give you is stand back, take a breather and say **** it all!... She won’t let me say that word… Do you hear what I’m saying when I say to stand back and observe it for a while… when you observe you can realise sometimes how absurd your behaviour is… really you should be making light of most things and enjoying life to the best that you possibly can. Laugh and enjoy it. Look around you and take in everything. Yes we all know there is misery around you and the way some people have to live their lives, yes, send your thoughts and do the best you can but in your own little world of your friends and your family smile and laugh at life for you don’t really have to take anything too seriously and you know when you are at work and they are waving  their hands and shouting and screaming just picture them with their knickers on their head darlings. I think that is a very good way to deal with life in the mundane things… yes he’s wagging his finger at me saying you’re getting near the line again! You wonderful people I love you dearly and let me see you smile at all the cameras dears and even when there’s no cameras still say ‘cheese’… I have to go now…’

Les.. ‘Thank you for that Freddie, it means a lot’

Freddie… ‘Just say knickers to them dear… knickers, knickers, knickers… I just want you to imagine now, when the act is very bad, and they send that long hooked stick on and haul them off, I think that’s about to happen to me! Anyway darlings love you, love you, keep smiling, don't be frightened to be happy, just shout at us and we will do what we can, have time to smell the daisies, au revoir darlings…’