Mercury Circle 23/07/2003

Joan had been feeling a bit down this week and was doubting her capabilities.
Freddie soon came through to raise the vibrations…

Freddie… ‘Hello darlings… well aren’t you the lucky ones’

Nick… ‘Why’s that’

Freddie… ‘Well I’m here! you don’t want me to come through and sound sensible do you?’

All… ‘No’

Freddie… ‘Well… I hope you’re all feeling very, very well and enjoying the experience’

All… ‘Yes we are’

Nick... ‘And I expect you’re feeling well as normal?’

Freddie… ‘Yes… but we are having trouble with the old tart’

Caroline… ‘What sort of trouble?’

Freddie… ‘Let’s put it this way, she always has her foot in the door, she doesn’t know what side she wants to be on so we can’t close the door. We’re getting interference. We’re going to sort her… Anyway darlings enough of that… yes’

Nick… ‘What are the energies like tonight?’

Freddie… ‘They’re quite good dear, we’re building up and building up… We often take things in quite a different direction than what we’ve done the previous week… It’s called experimenting you know’

Nick… ‘Which direction are you going this week?’

Freddie… ‘Forward dear… Sometimes it’s three steps forward and ten back...’

Caroline… ‘What exactly do you do?’

Freddie… ‘We’re building up the energy darling, in order that we can materialize in the ectoplasm, so that we can touch you… ummm’

Daisy… ‘How do you build it up Freddie?’

Freddie… ‘By getting the right mixture really darlings, the right measurements of all the elements we are needing and we solidify what we can and really sometimes it’s like swimming through mud and other times it goes quite clear but how can I explain to you… We have a team on our side and the chemists and people who are sort of mixing and matching the energies and finding the right course for you people and for us so that we can have cooperation between both sides and although we need to do more work with you we’re highly satisfied with the way things are. I think we all agree that we have certainly moved forward and there’s still quite a journey to go but we are peddling like hell dears’

Caroline… ‘Does the loud music interfere with the medium?’

Freddie... ‘No it’s good for her, it gives her something to concentrate on, but we’re taking her deeper and deeper and there’s part of the experience she doesn’t like so we have to be sort of gently, gently… silly tart’

Les… ‘She’s had a bad week this week Freddie’

Freddie… ‘Yes in a world of her own, but she’s okay now. She has a very tidy home and a very tidy garden… what that proves I just do not know’

Caroline… ‘She had a three day clean’

Freddie… ‘You see darling it’s in her make-up and if it makes her feel better… it’s up to the individual. I was quite, quite particular about my home but I didn’t have to do it’

Les… ‘Was there any reason why she was feeling so low Freddie?’

Freddie… ‘I think the accumulation of thought that she had, she was on her own for too long and she was viewing her life wondering how, why, when… as we all do sometimes. She’s our little sweet-heart and we love her as we love all of you. My singing to her hasn’t helped… I’ve been singing away, singing away… no good what so ever. We can help where we can as we help everyone but you see darlings… all you females are mothers and your children have a tremendous effect on your life… their achievements and their failures, they are such a big part of you and I think it is a bit of a delayed reaction, but you know she has to learn as everybody else has to learn and we all have a few mishaps in our time on the world you just have to deal with it dears… let’s not get disheartened no… anyway I’m going to get on my bike, I’m going to ring my bell’

Nick… ‘You can ring our bell if you like’

Freddie… ‘Now then, now then, just you wait… ummm… ding dong… you’re going to get me into trouble again… I don’t care, simply because I’m still me, weird but wonderful… I’m this dead bloke, dead easy, dead easy…’

Caroline… ‘Can we quote you?’

Les… ‘Think of the memories Freddie’

Freddie… ‘If you dare… oh memories darling, umm, well, I’d have to stand in front of the panel again darling if I go into all that, yes I have wonderful memories, I was one very, very lucky person, some people could say I ruined it all but I wouldn’t have been me and unfortunately when you are being yourself things catch up with you’

Daisy… ‘But you still continue to give people pleasure listening to your work’

Freddie… ‘That’s wonderful darling, it gives me a great amount of pleasure and it’s the gift that I had and was fortunate enough to use’

Caroline… ‘I think it’s probably because you were a performer that you are able to come through and talk to us. Quite a lot of actors and people who have been in the public eye seem to be the ones who come through at séances’

Freddie… ‘I was quite a shy person really… but put me on the stage and it was my world and because I was successful in my world it opened all of the world to me to give me the experiences that I know a lot of people can not afford to do. You can dream it, but I wanted it… I had some wild child days… anyway I’m going to go now, I’m going to get on my bike, hopefully I’ll be back to say goodbye… au revoir darlings’

Later we were joined by William…

Daisy… ‘Is that you William?’

William… ‘Yes it is… I don’t know quite how to start the subject… I have visualized a candle and sometimes the flame is burning bright and tall and all depending on which way the wind is blowing it blows that flame in a different direction. Can we look at life in that way? Sometimes it’s so easy to have a bright shining straight flame, in other words some days are quite easy and you achieve so much and other days prove to be quite the opposite, they can be so difficult. I really want to impress upon you that that is life and so be it. It is a cycle of time that is your lives and to have an assortment of days is not a cruel act. They may not always appear a kindness to you. All I can say to you, when your candle is burning straight and bright there will be others who’s light is not quite as straight forward and you could improve each other’s days by thinking quite kindly and understanding no matter what the act has been for you are of course able to judge a person’s actions and you’ll have thoughts upon it but you have no right to judge THEM. Sometimes some people’s candle does not glow very bright and straight and to improve everyone’s days is why we are communicating with you. We are trying to say to you this is the way we can improve your world, we can help, we have experienced the same as you are experiencing. We are slightly more knowledgeable. Our endless preaching to you to be good and kind to each other are not empty and useless words. So if I say to you always appreciate another person’s situation and hopefully someone else will view your situation with love and kindness and if you have days that are not as bright as you would hope, if you have a friend, a person you know who shows you some understanding and some help you feel good about that person and that person feels good about themselves and there you have a rosy apple… simple but true and you can all have a bite of the rosy apple so that you are getting the vitamins and nourishment you are needing and I use the apple as an example in a spiritual way and then there will be so many apples in your world that everybody will be able to have one for themselves… you understand my meaning? That is all.

All… ‘Thank you William’