Mercury Circle 09/07/2003

This week the energies didn’t seem to be building up very quickly. We were singing one of Robbie William’s songs when Freddie came through for a chat…

All… ‘Hello Freddie’

Freddie… ‘Hello dears, I like that Robbie Williams… do you know he’s rather sensitive?’

Nick… ‘What sensitive to spirit?’

Freddie… ‘Yes he’s a sensitive individual, that’s why he doubts himself so much’

Caroline… ‘Is that what sensitive people do?’

Freddie… ‘Usually dear, on having said that it’s just as well that I wasn’t being too sensitive when you were playing Barcelona’ (one of Freddie’s songs)

Les… ‘You didn’t like our version then’

Freddie… ‘I could have been very offended darlings, but I chose to rise above it’

Caroline… ‘Are you criticizing our singing?’

Freddie… ‘Is that what it is’

Daisy… ‘It was humming’

Freddie… ‘It did stink dear’

Nick… ‘How are the energies tonight?’

Freddie… ‘We’re struggling with the old tart’ (Joan)

Nick… ‘Why is that?’

Freddie… ‘She’s just not cooperating, we’re going to have to hit her… anyway, it’s wonderful to be back for a chat with you all again… Having a good time I suppose, you are having a good time aren’t you?’

All… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘I should think so’

Caroline… ‘It’s very hot tonight’

Freddie… ‘So I believe’

Daisy… ‘Maybe you can flap your wings and send us a breeze’

Freddie… ‘I haven’t got any wings darling’

Caroline… ‘He’s no angel’

Freddie… ‘Oh I am… of a kind, I don’t think I’m going to go into that with you dear… Anyway it’s wonderful to be here and speaking with you all once more, me being where I am, you being where you are… the day will come darlings’

Les… ‘Not too soon I hope’

Caroline… ‘Yes we’d rather you visit us than we visit you!’

Freddie… ‘Well don’t be afraid of that dear’

Caroline… ‘No it’s just that we don’t feel ready yet’

Daisy… ‘I’ll go’

Freddie… ‘You’ve got too much to do, you’re not allowed to come, not allowed… Anyway I’ve been told ‘on ya bike’… I hope to come back when we have a little more going on… toodle pip’

Later William came through to speak

Daisy… ‘It’s been a while’

William… ‘Yes it has, you see they have been working on other things so I was given the opportunity to speak with you and have been told to convey to you all that things are progressing very well and that everything that we are needing is ready in place, it may seem surreal to you, I suppose the circumstances that we meet under are not quite the normal thing, but we are trying to organize things so that they happen together if you know what I’m meaning’

Caroline… ‘I’m not quite sure’

Nick… ‘Could you explain it?’

William… ‘We have people who work in one sector and people who work in other sectors. In all there are quite a few sectors and I can say to you it’s like trying to get them to all fuse together. I suppose it’s the trial and error as it is in all experiments. However it is indeed a great pleasure and privilege to be working and learning. It is so interesting you must understand I see more where I am than you do. We are all working as one body to fulfil this dream, this mission. It may seem very strange to many people what we are all about but it is all really a natural procedure. We are wanting to speak with you and you are wanting to speak and make contact with us. You have it in your minds what our world is like, there are many aspects of it. It is how you perceive a thing, you all perceive you lives differently to the person next to you, this is true isn’t it?’

All… ‘Yes’

William… ‘And they look at things from different angles, and as we have spoken to you on many occasions it’s important to have a good attitude and create a good atmosphere and this is what we are doing. I have to go now, I hope you have found my talk slightly interesting’

All… ‘Yes very interesting thankyou’

William… ‘It’s very difficult to explain, you are in the dark’

Caroline… ‘Can I just say something?’

William… ‘Yes’

Caroline… ‘When you were speaking the whole of my vision was coloured purple’

William… ‘Well we are all aiming for perfection and it is a beautiful colour, it is a spiritual colour and we are all aiming to be as spiritual with you as we possibly can so you are perceiving the atmosphere, can you understand this?’

Caroline… ‘I think so’

Nick… ‘Why is it Caroline perceives it and the others don’t?’

William… ‘Because we are all very different, we have different ways as I did explain to you earlier. We all have the same earth but you view it from different angles, you understand?’

Nick… ‘Yes’

William… ‘I do hope that you can take from the colour all that is good for you and share it with whoever is needing colour… if you’ll excuse me I have to go now’

All… ‘Thankyou’

William… ‘It has been my pleasure and privilege’

Travis… ‘Thankyou for your excellent explanation’

William… ‘Goodbye’

All… ‘Goodbye William’

Caroline explained to us how she had seen purple fill the whole room and more colours appeared within it.

Tob… ‘I would like to join in conversation’

All… ‘Hello Tob’

Tob… ‘My dear friend, you have a healing capacity with colour healing and it’s up to any individual if they want to develop this fruit, it is your choice but we would be most grateful as we are grateful to each and every one of you who sit and join us in this group. We make a small hill at this moment in time but we hope to build into a mountain and it will be powerful structure and we can guide people and help people for that is our aim. We are not toys. We are extreme in our wanting to work. We have experienced many people who work in this way and have had great success and we tend to copy and to enable people to realise we go on and we have a life and most important that we try to tell the people to lead your life in a loving and unselfish manner and that will make our world beautiful for you and you leave your world with some of your beauty that you have created and that is the aim of our work to make contact to help one another to create beauty and love in all areas. I now say to you your sun shines in your world. Allow the sunlight to penetrate your world and appreciate the beautiful light and the glory of nature. Live in sunlight even on the darkest days, look and say the sun will shine again, always look on the positive…’