There had been some direct voice experiments and singing in the cabinet, then Freddie came through for a chat…
Daisy… ‘That was very good’
Nick… ‘Was that you singing just now?’
Freddie… ‘It was a mixture darling’
Nick… ‘You were all having a go were you?’
Freddie… ‘Yes… I don’t really have a lot to say’
Nick… ‘Oh… that’s not like you’
Freddie… ‘I know, you see the greater part of me is in the depths of work. We’re up to our ears darlings’
Daisy… ‘We could feel the difference’
Freddie… ‘Yes well we just needed to shake you bloody lot up a bit… it was like working in a morgue!!! Won’t have it you know, I just won’t have it… I shall whip you up into a frenzy if I have to’
Caroline… ‘Any excuse’
Freddie… ‘Is there no end to that woman?’
Nick… ‘We can’t control her’
Freddie… ‘She can always be relied on’
Caroline… ‘I let the tone down’
Freddie… ‘Anyway I don’t want to be told off for hanging around, looking forward to seeing you and being amongst you all… notice darlings, AMOUNGST you all… can you take a hint?’
All… ‘Good, lovely…’
Freddie… ‘Anyway, toodle pip, au revoir’
Caroline and Nick felt touches on their arms and Caroline felt something touching her trouser pocket, then Tob came through…
Tob… ‘Tob… beautiful…’
All… ‘Hello Tob’
Tob… ‘I have words for you… the music is making all the world live in peace, (John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ was playing) It IS possible, it is so unfortunate and it is so sad that you people on earth have to suffer for so few. The radicals… they are blinded by their own ambitions and all the want of being an important person. Let me give you a lighter note. Recently we have received many prayers from you. I think we have all of us felt the benefit of these thoughts and prayers and it is sufficient that we can all pray and send the thoughts of the light and the love to every corner of your world. It is no great ambitious thing that we do. Everything is possible when there is a wealth of love and thought. So we no longer have to imagine. We as people of our world and of earthly world can stand up against the evil that is war. I say to you never become gloomy when you think there’s nothing I can do for there are many things you can do by being of positive nature. You in your world which has so much beauty that you will not allow your world to be tarnished for in your world so you live and you as people also have a right to your own opinion and you of your world make it in your view and do not allow the few to cast darkness and grief. We all have a power to make a world of love, a world of peace, a world of quality of life for every person. We can be strong and we can be powerful and we can let our light shine. Now I say to you when you wake to a new day treat every minute of it with the best of your ability no matter what other people do to you. It is your responsibility and I will help you to make a success of your every day for you and for your fellow man. I say as my original words you know that you have done good and we know that kind and loving thoughts create a kind, loving, positive, healing, atmosphere…’