Both Les and Daisy were unwell this week but we still sat with just three sitters. When Tob came through at the beginning we asked him if this was okay and he told us that love and laughter were the best ingredients, it was good, they could work…
Later Freddie joined us…
Caroline… ‘How are you?’
Freddie… ‘I’m very well dear, how are you, that is more important’
Caroline… ‘I’m feeling much better than I was last time I spoke to you, having had a very restful holiday’
Freddie… ‘Life has more colour to it now dear, it is less black and white’
Caroline… ‘Yes well I’ve just been seeing a lot of wonderful colour as you spoke’
Freddie… ‘Well that will probably be my nail varnish! Wonderful, wonderful… I do like to hear that you are feeling rested, it is wonderful to feel refreshed, the only problem is coming back to the mundane way of life, I’m pleased that you have benefited from it… Isn’t my diction good?’
Caroline… ‘It’s very good yes’
Travis… ‘I could hear it well’
Freddie… ‘Thank you Neddie’
Caroline… ‘I think it’s important to find the time for yourself which is something I don’t seem to be able to do very much but I plan to change things soon.
Freddie… ‘Sit under a different part of the sky… I used to enjoy having a holiday’
Travis… ‘Can I give you a little bit of information’
Freddie… ‘If you must’
Travis… ‘The show ‘We will rock you’ is a tremendous success in London, you probably know that it’s now in Spain, Australia and going to Las Vegas’
Freddie… ‘Yes I know… you know Jo-Jo (Joan) went at the beginning, she didn’t really want to be there at the time, an unwanted gift really but was very impressed’
Travis... ‘I aim to go early November’
Freddie… ‘They have a very good band and it’s well written’
Caroline… ‘Freddie, I keep seeing these coloured lights, am I seeing spirit lights?’
Freddie… ‘Yes darling you’re seeing our energy, we’re all coming round you’
Caroline… ‘They are the most fantastic colours’
Freddie… ‘Yes, well we are quite a colourful bunch you know’
Nick… ‘Why is it sometimes Caroline can see the colours and we can’t?’
Freddie… ‘She has the gift… If she would like to she could concentrate on each colour and then when she thinks of a person, a person when she sees a colour, concentrate on the colour and the person will benefit. She will automatically think of it and that person will be receiving healing. It is as simple as that dear, no hocus pocus… Anyway where are the other two when you need them?’
Travis… ‘Daisy’s not feeling too bright, may be the flu’
Freddie… ‘I understand’
Nick… ‘Does it affect the energies very much with two less?’
Freddie… ‘It isn’t quite as good but we’re making the best of it… I don’t know what twittering you might get from the twitterer… (voice changed) Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner’
Nick… ‘What was that?’
Freddie… ‘Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner… (Freddie’s voice again) It’s the twitterer dear… sorry I didn’t expect to have to explain… I’m only joking dear… can you hear the voice leaving?’
Nick… ‘It seems to be coming towards me’
Freddie… ‘It is going towards the front of the cabinet’
Nick… ‘Will you be able to bring it out of the cabinet one day?’
Freddie… ‘I can bring whatever you want out dear’
Nick… ‘Just the voice for now will be okay!’
Caroline… ‘He said nervously…’
Freddie… ‘Thank you dear… my thoughts precisely, he’s a little scaredy cat… just you wait... Oh what fun I’m going to have dear, they could send me to hell for it you know if we don’t watch ourselves… Anyway it’s wonderful to speak to you. I feel I’m speaking very clearly now’
Nick… ‘It’s very clear now’
Caroline… ‘Yes it is’
Freddie… ‘Yes wonderful, anyway we’ve got to make way for the rest of the team… I’m very cold in here dear’ (Joan was starting to come back)
Caroline… ‘You are?’
Freddie… ‘Yes old Jo-Jo very cold’
Nick… ‘Can you sense that?’
Freddie... ‘Yes she’s very cold… she’s coming back, I’m going to go… wonderful dears’
At the end of the session Tob came through to close then his voice changed as someone else took over… ‘Spectacular energies, we give life from our world, we mix with yours for the benefit of all people whether they dwell on the earth or in the heavens. We have to have your help to enable, to accept our words, our actions and our world that we now inhabit. We are a loving group. We are a group of souls who wish to rectify some of the problems on your earth. Because of your deeper understanding we are attracted to you. We give our word that we will love you and protect you all of the time that we work with you. There are many souls who will never recognise our words, our actions and our thoughts. We will make ourselves known to you when we can dispense the energy in the correct amount. We are visionaries of life and we bring to you loving energy, healing energy. The plan is set for we must be horse and rider in this tale and plan, thank you’
All… ‘Thank you’
Tob… ‘Tob, Tob...’
All… ‘Hello Tob’
Tob… ‘Say to you many times, give you our love, light and sunshine to light your day... go now’
Nick… ‘Who was that speaking before you?’
Tob… ‘Voyagers… they go and they join with us… They have many, many wise words to say to you, we are very happy that they come and speak with you… we are faithful people to you… much love, au revoir’