Mercury Circle 22/10/2003

Freddie was in fine form and popped in for a chat after the first few tunes...

All... 'Hello Freddie'

Freddie... 'Darlings... lovelies my lovelies'

Nick… ‘You’re speaking very well this evening’

Freddie… ‘Of course I am… there’s never been anything wrong with my diction’

Daisy… ‘Nice to hear you’

Freddie… ‘I know, how are you my darlings?’

All… ‘Very well thank you’

Freddie… ‘Tip top condition I hope’

Nick… ‘You’re very well are you?’

Freddie… ‘Yes of course I am, silly question isn’t it, you’re trying very hard to make conversation then you say something silly’

Nick… ‘I’ll shut up shall I?’

Freddie… ‘No… I’m just being honest, but I do understand your predicament… making chit-chat yes?’

Nick… ‘How are the energies tonight?’

Freddie… ‘Oh very good, yes, tip top condition’

Caroline… ‘Are you advancing at the pace that you were hoping to?’

Freddie… ‘Yes we’re forging ahead… If you want to compare to how it was when we all first sat together, worked together, it’s very different yes? Wonderful you see we’re all familiar with each other now, one another rather, we’re familiar with one another’

Caroline… ‘And that helps the energies obviously?’

Freddie… ‘Oh yes, because we have been taking energy from you for such a long time, it’s wonderful we’re getting results aren’t we?... anyway I’m going to go darlings, I hope to pop in and have a chat later’

Daisy… ‘I can see wonderful colours’

Caroline… ‘So can I… purples’

Daisy… ‘And oranges’

Freddie… ‘That’s beautiful dears… let’s just do it shall we?’

Nick… ‘Let it all hang out’

Freddie… ‘That was always my policy… look where it got me dear’

Caroline… ‘At least you lived Freddie’

Freddie… ‘Yes… you take and fake every day of your lives dears, take it by the throat and live it… I know, I know that it can be very mundane but you know darlings give it a shot, give it your all and give it your best, obviously without hurting anyone… Don’t think about it, just do it… Don’t get into trouble, be good and kind to one another but still live darlings. Show your own personality, don’t be frightened to say what you think and feel because you know people do respect you rather more if you do that, yes, anyway I have to get off my soap box… wow wee, I’ll see you, speak to you later darlings, toodle pip and au revoir’

Later an unknown communicator came through…

Comm… ‘Do listen…’

Nick… ‘We’re listening’

Comm… ‘Do listen to us we bring you the images that go before your so called death, for we have experienced these things and we wish to express to you our ideas and our thoughts. We wish to work as a group and we will endeavour to bring people to you from your side of life and we will gather the people from our side of life and we will put love and joy and credence into their lives. We can work from both sides. We can help the living and the living, if you understand, for there are many people who wish to gain the knowledge that is the true life. We will work with you to enable us to bring love and purity… and we can give people the opportunities to respect life… yes, to respect their world and all who share it… thank you’

Nick… ‘When you say people from this side of life are going to come along, is this something that will happen soon?’

Comm… ‘Yes’

Nick… ‘How will we know who to bring along?’

Comm… ‘When you will feel the urge… when you feel you want to share the experience’

Nick… ‘So you’re happy for us to bring someone else along?’

Comm… ‘Not yet… When you feel the urge… yes, there will be indications’

Nick… ‘Could I ask who it is speaking with us?’

Comm… ‘Friends, many friends. Together there are many of us who are one… and we wish to work with you and the people who have been working in this group. We feel that we can gain and benefit from you and we hope we can benefit you people and the people who need the recognition that we can give to them, thank you’

All… ‘Thank you’

(singing) ‘All things bright and beautiful…’

Nick… ‘That sounds like Sparrow’

Sparrow… ‘Yes… yes’

Daisy… ‘Are you alright?’

Sparrow… ‘Right… right, Mrs… I good yes, bleedin’ exciting innit… blimey…’

Caroline… ‘Can you tell us the name of the……..’

Sparrow… ‘They won’t let me no… they just a group of people, they joined together and they like a soul group, and they gonna do some work with us, and I think that gonna be good… and they nice, they nice ya know yes they not all holy’

Caroline… ‘Can you describe them to us?’

Sparrow… ‘They people who have the knowledge’

Caroline… ‘Ancient souls?’

Sparrow… ‘They not always necessarily… it’s how you live your life and what stage you’re at. They are a group of people who think alike, and so they like a soul group’

Nick… ‘Are they all human spirit?’

Sparrow… ‘Oh yes they are, they think you will benefit’

Daisy… ‘We feel honoured as a group to be chosen for them to work with’

Sparrow… ‘You good people and they are you see. They think it good people come and sit in a dark room. They don’t know what you are doing really but they can understand that you want to learn and gain knowledge, they know what happens and they don’t think it funny… friends would think it funny, they don’t think it funny, not many people you can tell what you do, they think you crackers Mrs’

Caroline… ‘So they’re really advanced souls?’

Sparrow… ‘They good people… you know we can’t give people more importance than others. Just because they have a little bit more knowledge and they’ve learned a little bit more… and you see because they know a little bit more, what they want to do is to share it. That’s what they’re trying to do Mrs. It’s not because they think they’re anybody special… If they can give you the right ideas and also if they can help people that come and sit in the dark as well and they make them happy then that is good, that is a good job done, yes, we becoming good friends aren’t we, I like you lot’

Daisy… ‘We like you too’

Sparrow… ‘Oh I know, I wouldn’t come if you didn’t, I’m not that stupid’

Caroline… ‘How old were you when you went over?’

Sparrow… ‘Fifteen’

Caroline… ‘How did you go?’

Sparrow… ‘Consumption… I’ve come and told you that many times Mrs’

Caroline… ‘Well I forgot, sorry’

Nick… ‘Have you grown up in the spirit world?’

Sparrow… ‘Yes’

Nick… ‘But you still come back as a child’

Sparrow… ‘Well I did it the way I was when I came, when I just want to relate to you I want you to understand… And you see I can become as a fifteen year old would behave and the fun and the laughter of that age because as you get older you don’t laugh at the same things do you? It’s a good thing to come through and talk to you like this, yes, it’s a good thing to retain some of the youth but you know sometimes if you retain too much of your youth you are being stupid, and you get talked about Mrs, people will talk… I gotta go’

Daisy… ‘Come back soon’

Tob… ‘Tob’

All… ‘Hello Tob’

Tob… ‘I say to you, all the work is special, very special, each one of you has a gift… you must nurture it and use it… Your gift could be a smile, a smile can mean there is hope in the world, for you must do experiment for me… When you go to public place, to supermarket, smile at someone and record the response that you get and also record how you feel. I do no wish you to walk around sanctimonious people for this would be not the right act but I would like you to experiment with the response you get from people. It is a small thing that I ask but little can send ripples across a pond. Some people will think that you are quite mad but it is all important to let your light shine. Let your light shine for the good of all things. I know that you are all aware that the thoughts that you send out to us we receive and also they affect your atmosphere for your thoughts are powerful so guard your thoughts… to be yes, now Tob, now Tob…’

Nick… ‘Now Tob?’

Tob… ‘Yes’

Caroline… ‘Who was that before?’

Tob… ‘Come… he come speak to you, we have many people who wish to talk and join with us and we give voice to so many that we can give voice to that we can build rapport, an energy between our worlds. For we do intend to work and prove that we live in light not to wait for the last call. We live, we live, we who lived on your earth, we who breathed the air, walked your land, we are now living and we want you all to know. Can you imagine the effect it would have on your world if every person knew there was life beyond your so called death. Can you begin to imagine the effect it would have on your world, what wonderful result that every person in your world had the knowledge that you have. No more anger apart from the medium who want to be the best, ha, ha… Wonderful, no war, no anger, why there are problems? If you have the understanding there will be no problem… you understand?’

All… ‘Yes’

Tob… ‘Yes we have much to say and do, for you will come to this side and while you are there and we are here we have much work to do… good, good be happy people’

Daisy… ‘Tob, can I ask you a question please?’

Tob… ‘Yes’

Daisy… ‘When babies come to our world they come from your world first don’t they?’

Tob… ‘Yes’

Daisy… ‘So you are probably aware that we have a baby coming into our family?’

Tob… ‘Yes’

Daisy… ‘Okay… I just… Oh I don’t know, I’m just so very happy. I just want to give my hugs and kisses to the baby while it’s still there’

Tob… ‘You bring love and understanding to the baby. I give you no more information, I know you ask me information, I give you no more… many bridges to cross… I no tell you… Hero (Freddie) say tell, tell, tell… I no tell. I no tell for it is no our work, just give to you our love and all the love to the people who are involved’

Daisy… ‘Thank you’

Tob… ‘Live your life and let your light shine’

Daisy… ‘I can’t wait to be a grandmum’

Tob… ‘You got to wait, you have today to live. At the time when you have the baby you will help your world by your thoughts and your words and your deeds, you understand?’

Daisy… ‘Yes’

Tob… ‘Good, I give you my love… I go and I say to you be aware of what you say and what you do. I do no say to you be false. Allow your sincerity to run freely, truly and be truthful to yourself, oravoir my friends, my very good friends, until same place, same time au revoir… keep the love flowing’