The energies seemed a bit low this week, it was Fireworks Night and there were a lot of bangs outside which we guessed were upsetting things. About half way through after a few direct voice development noises, Sparrow came through singing ‘Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner’ and we all sang along with him…
Daisy… ‘Hello Sparrow’
Sparrow… ‘What have we got here then… yes I like it’
Nick… ‘What are the energies like tonight?’
Sparrow… ‘They’re alright yes’
Nick… ‘It sounded a bit like you were struggling earlier’
Sparrow… ‘You can’t have action all the time… We spoil you people yes that’s what we do we spoil you people’
Caroline… ‘How do you spoil us?’
Sparrow… ‘By singing to you’
Les… ‘We love that’
Sparrow… ‘What shall we talk about?’
Travis… ‘Fireworks… did you have firework displays?’
Sparrow… ‘Yes’
Daisy... ‘There’s a lot about tonight’
Nick… ‘Are you aware of the fireworks going off here tonight?’
Sparrow… ‘No… she dozy tonight’
Caroline… ‘What have you been up to today?’
Sparrow… ‘Living’
Caroline… ‘What do you do in your time?’
Sparrow… ‘I mind the flowers, I look after the flowers in the garden… and I meet my friends and we get ourselves organised for this work’
Caroline… ‘Are the flowers you have on your side different to the ones we have?’
Sparrow… ‘Yes they make noises’
Caroline… ‘What sort of noises?’
Sparrow… ‘When you touch them they just make a noise… (voice changed as another communicator took over) …beautiful noise, it is like eternity, it is life everlasting, it is the beauty of purity, it is the wonder of life, it is a wonderful tune and melody… The melody is all around you and it is revitalizing. It lifts and carries until you feel the meaning of our world. The meaning of a world which will give true beauty and light. It is wonderful. You earn this love and this light. This melody, it is a tune for every individual. Wherever you may arrive in our world you will see the beauty and the love that you are deserving. It is what you have achieved. It is many, many beautiful things in our world and it is yours for the taking and if you can aspire to take this beauty then you will not evolve the world by this beauty for you as a person will be beautiful for you will see beauty and good in all things. You will understand the mean, the horrid, the ugly and you will be able to talk to them when you come to our world… In your place on the earth you have much beauty too and the more you are peaceful and helpful and understanding the more of the beauty you will see. Do realize that you and you alone are to look for this. No other individual can help you. You make your own beauty, you make your own choices. You may have times when life seems very unkind but it has to be so… so that you can also see the merit in the unkindness that you feel you have been dealt. The unkindness you treat with kindness, there is no other way for you to enter the kingdom in it’s true beauty. If you reflect unkindness you do no one but yourself a disservice. You and you alone are your own responsibility. We understand that you want to retaliate, I am not asking you to be abused and to accept but retaliation with force is creating more and more unkindness in your world. It takes a very broad back to endure some of your personal experiences but you and you alone know at the end of your days, as to whether you can be the thing of beauty like our flowers… Goodbye.’
All… ‘Goodbye thank you’
Freddie came through next…
All… ‘Hello Freddie’
Caroline… ‘Who was that speaking to us just now?’
Freddie… ‘Oh it was one of the new crew dear… quite clever aye? Nearly as good as me dear… I think you now can understand how easy it is to progress, you feel when you have these teachers dear, you just want to listen and do the best you possibly can… you know… it’s like chocolate dear… it is.’
Caroline… ‘If you’d heard this when you were on this side would it have made any difference to how you led your life?’
Freddie… ‘I was a good boy dear, Oh I am so hurt, you are a naughty girl… I don’t know dear, it maybe wasn’t for my ears at that time. You know I did believe that there was something after the earth but unlike you I didn’t go searching for it, but you know I used to pray and I tried to be kind… I agree sometimes I was a little bit flamboyant but you know darlings the stuff you stick up your nose makes you do things that normally you’re a little bit too shy to do. You know, it was on a plate dear and I’m quite a sensual person and I didn’t get too many telling’s off when I came here’
Caroline… ‘There’s hope for us all in that case’
Freddie… ‘You know darling, you look at yourself and you cannot deny what you have been and done… No two ways about it but you know darlings not many saints arrive here, so don’t go thinking oh I’m naughty because that is just silly, it really is, it isn’t true. You are good and kind people and it is wonderful to be able to speak with you like this but I also find it wonderful that our teachers can come and communicate with you… So you see darlings we are learning and we have all this love in the atmosphere and you can’t help but feel it and you just want to be a part of it because it is a beautiful love. But you know it isn’t all teaching here we have fun as well. We laugh and joke and sing. We prepare to meet you lot, we follow you around much to our amusement and more often than not you put a smile on our face. When you disappoint yourselves you disappoint us because we don’t like to see you disappointed and unhappy. You know when you are not doing it right. You can go and dance the night away, you can be with a consenting adult darling, if it is lust, so be it (Daisy laughs) why are you laughing at me dear, I’m only telling you the truth, if there are two consenting adults and you feel that what you are doing, that you are quite comfortable with then so be it, but sometimes you wake up the next morning and think oh dear god what have I been doing… but I was not a bad person… I will keep repeating that until you believe me’
Caroline… ‘No I don’t think you were bad just a bit wild and we are all envious!’
Freddie… ’A lot of people were dear’
Caroline… ‘Absolutely, we just wonder how wild we can be before we come over’
Freddie… ‘Well go for it dear… if they don’t ask you, ask them… but don’t go pushing stuff up your nose’
Caroline… ‘No I don’t desire to do that’
Freddie… ‘Well you see dear, for a long time I disagreed with it all but then when you’re going out to perform in front of thousands of people, sometimes you need a bit of Dutch courage and that’s how I got on the band wagon, then I rather enjoyed it, you lose all of your inhibitions and when you are on the stage performing to thousands of people it rather helps to lose your inhibitions…anyway I have to go dears, I hope you have had an interesting evening’
All… ‘We have’
Freddie… ‘So have we’
Nick… ‘Have you achieved quite a bit?’
Freddie… ‘Well we always do dear, we always do, we all really just have this vision of speaking with you as normally as we can possibly get it but you know we have to build up this energy… Carry on up the Khyber aye?’
Caroline… ‘Onwards and upwards’
Freddie… ‘Ohhhh yes dear… (we all laughed) …um well I am, oh, oh, oh, I think I’ve blotted my copybook, Oh we are all big boys and girls… I’d better go now, yes, I think I’ll follow that fat bottomed girl, can’t resist plugging it you know… Oh dear what have I said, oh dear, dear, dear, I do apologise’
Daisy… ‘That’s alright Freddie, we’re all big girls and boys’
Freddie… ‘Mmmm… I’m going to go before you get me into more trouble, unless you’d like more trouble dears?… au revoir darlings, and love one another’
All… ‘We will, au revoir’
Freddie… ‘Yes, yes I agree with that one’
Caroline… ‘Love one another but not too much’
Freddie… ‘Oh just give it gay abandon darling, that’s what I think anyway… you really have got me in trouble, I just can’t resist it, it just comes so naturally darlings. We’re not fuddy-duddies are we? In a way I suppose I use the words and it’s my terminology which makes it sound funny… it makes it funny in my mind… I say something and then I get a picture what just makes me worse, I think you know what I mean don’t you’
Daisy… ‘But we all love you just the way you are’
Freddie… ‘You see darlings I’m not dead… silly sods that dread it what a shame, anyway that’s another story we’ll not go into that… it’s just the way we come over sometimes hurts for a little bit but when you get here you’re alright… when you get off the bus’
Caroline… ‘Can we rely on the fact that you’ll be the bus conductor when we come over?’
Freddie… ‘Umm love to dear, love to, I could take you to some places dear’
Daisy… ‘Oh yes please’
Caroline… ‘Can you clip my ticket?’
Freddie… ‘Oh you really are…’
Travis… ‘What about the ding-a-ling?’
Freddie… ‘You really are… tutti-frutti-frutti, you’re so naughty, you’re inviting me to stay… anyway wait until I get in there amongst you dears…
Caroline… ‘We’re waiting’
Freddie… ‘So are we… it may seem a long time but we’re going to do it you know, you can be very sure of that… anyway I’ve been told to shut up and get on the bus… get back to where you belong, I have to go dears, I could speak to you for hours but you know, energy and all that, anyway I’m going to see my friends and talk about you all, much love to all of you, au revoir dears’
All… ‘Au revoir Freddie, thank you’
Sparrow… ‘He’s a funny man, I like him, he nice man, I like you, I gotta go, energy go, be good to yourselves and to others, you don’t have to be miserable to be good, it true, keep trying to smile at everybody, they may be miserable people but that their problem innit, see ya’
Tob… ‘Tob, the energy go, lot of disturbance from your earth’
Daisy… ‘Is it because of the fireworks?’
Tob… ‘Yes, I don’t know what create this but it has not been of any help to us, it is also because it not good or kind to the animals, we all feel that it is not right. I understand it is a tradition and you have to consider other people… many children smile yes, so you see in whatever situation there be some good… I go… I say to you love one another and hold hands to your world, do no be disconnected, you be part of your world, you contribute to your world to make a good, happy place and then you too will be a part of your world and you will no feel lonely, you will no be alone. If I can give you some advise. When you are pleasant and listen to people you will attract many to you and some that you will not be able to relate to but many you could make very good friends. I give you this advise you must take one step forward and other people will help you to go forward. If you stand still then you have achieved nothing accept you are lonely and you are not being educated in your world… good yes good… love to all you people, au revoir’
All… ‘Au revoir Tob’