Mercury Circle 17/12/2003 Xmas Seance

This was our Christmas Séance and we’d decorated the trumpet, placed a few toys around it and played a selection of Christmas tunes.

As usual Tob came through briefly to welcome us at the start…

Tob… ‘Ho, ho, ho… we got our hats on… carry on… au revoir’

Later on Freddie came though…

All… ‘Hello Freddie, Merry Christmas’

Freddie… ‘Oh thank you dears… I hope that you all have a wonderful time’

Caroline… ‘Do you celebrate Christmas on your side?’

Freddie… ‘Yes’

Caroline… ‘How do you do that?’

Freddie… ‘Festival of light… all the souls come together and we bring all the light and the love around us and celebrate the beauty of the light and love… Also we visit you in your homes. All of you who have people over here, they make a point of coming to your homes at Christmas because they are still loving you and they want to join you on that day. It is a special day for your relatives too. It is very important to us to see our loved ones. We don’t have gifts as such though we do provide for the children and make it as happy as it possibly can be made… yes, and they have a jolly good time… But you must always realize though problems still abound at Christmas, there is so much positive love and people joining together to celebrate. Yes, raise your glass for your relatives on Christmas day… they are with you. As our old friend has just said, we have our hats on’

Caroline… ‘Is it possible for anyone on your side to ring a bell on the tree in our home or something like that?’

Freddie… ‘Oh it often happens’

Caroline… ‘cause I have experienced one or two things like that at Christmas’

Freddie… ‘Yes of course darling, that is your family… also when you have plants in your home, quite often you will see a leaf moving… that is someone wanting to make contact… yes, sit quietly and at ease with happy thoughts. I’m now going to wonder what thoughts you have that make you happy… umm yes well anything else dears?’

Nick… ‘Are there many children visiting the circle this evening?’

Freddie… ‘Yes dear, yes of course… as usual we are working hard’

Nick… ‘Are you doing something different with the voice tonight? You sound different’

Freddie… ‘Well she’s deeper, the energy’s different’

Caroline… ‘Have we got many people here?’

Freddie… ‘Yes dear as always and Christmas time is a sentimental  time, a time for people getting together’

Travis… ‘Do non-believers in Christmas celebrate in your world as well?’

Freddie… ‘Well… we celebrate one god... You see when you’re in the atmosphere and begin to understand then yes you can’t help but feel happy and see the beauty of the light. Anyone who has turned their back on darkness, it is like a new world, it is a wonderful feeling for these people for they are looking with fresh clear eyes, you see dears it’s a wonderful experience and I must add it beats any Christmas tree lights you may have!!!’

Caroline… ‘When I was talking to you earlier Freddie, I saw the most beautiful colours, better than any I had seen before’

Freddie… ‘That’s wonderful darling. You see we work so hard to achieve these things, slow you may think, but you know good things come to he who waits and the beauty of the light that you see is true spirit and it brings great cheer to us that we are achieving these things and we raise our glass to you, each and every one of you and we say god bless each and every one of you… very, very good work that you are doing alongside of us so let us sip our champagne together for we have sat here and spoken to you on many occasions and it is a special time now for some of it is sad, for some of it is happy but every situation you find yourself in always look on the bright side for it is the only way to survive… and when you are thinking I wish, I wish, I wish… think and thank… I’m such a wit’

Travis… ‘Was that wit or twit?’

Freddie… ‘Don’t start with me young man?’

Travis… ‘I like the young man’

Freddie… ‘Yes, a touch of irony I think, I can still be Queen bee, there’s a bitter sting in my tail… Any way I’m going, I might be able to come back, my hat has a bell on it, carry on darlings’

Later on a new communicator came through…

Comm… ‘Beautiful music… music can melt your heart with it’s beauty, it can bring a tear of joy to your eyes… That is what our world is like. There is an ecstasy here and the reason that we come and speak to you, we wish to share the ecstasy, for it can be on earth. I will not go too deeply for you are having a festival, you are having a celebration at this time, but dear, dear people, remember our love for you at all times and feel the joy in the love you receive and the love that you give for it can be in abundance… it is your choice… goodbye’

All… ‘Goodbye thank you’

Freddie… ‘Lavenders blue dilly dally, lavenders green… I’ll be your king dilly dally cause I am a queen’

Travis… ‘That’s not the words I know…’

Freddie… ‘You don’t know everything… carry on’

Sparrow… ‘Arrrr, happy me’

All… ‘Hello, happy Christmas Sparrow’

Sparrow… ‘Yeah, happy to you… I happy mister, yeah we good fun, we good fun… I have a speech for you… I’ve been practicing… I wanna say to you that I’m very happy that I have made new friends with you, I’ve been hanging around a while and I’ve been watching you and I’ve made new friends here and I make friends with you people and I wanna say thank you… and I hope you have a very happy Christmas time and I hope that your new year is happy every day that comes in that year and that you will remember on your down days that I’m your friend and if you ask me to help you then I’ll do the best that I can for it’s important to have new friends and old friends. I don’t want to talk sentimental around this but I do mean that I love you all… see ya’

All… ‘See ya Sparrow’

Tob came through to close…

Tob… ‘Tob… yes… beautiful people, I have to say to you, thank you for your time, your love and your energy in the time we have been working together. We will come back renewed, refreshed and continue for the love of one another and the love of your world… May there be peace and harmony and light to each, every one of you people over this festival and over you all your days. Let there be rainbows always after the rain… always say there will be a rainbow soon… much love and light and peace… until we join two worlds as one oravoir dear friends, au revoir’