This was our first time back after the Christmas/New Year break and our medium Joan had just come back from a holiday in Mauritius. We all felt refreshed after the break and were looking forward to a new year of development for the circle. Freddie was on top form as usual.
We’d been seeing lots of colours in the room. Daisy said they looked hypnotic which Caroline misheard as erotic! Freddie must have been listening to the conversation as he then came through…
Freddie… ‘Umm, err… what is erotic? I rushed here’
Caroline… ‘Now we know how to get you here quick!’
Freddie… ‘And I know who it was that said it… you really are a problem you know’
Caroline… ‘I do beg your pardon Freddie’
Freddie… ‘Oh don’t dear I like it… don’t have to apologise to me dear, not one iota believe me’
Caroline… ‘Did you ever see any erotic lights?’
Freddie… ‘Oh well, just let it go dear’
Nick… ‘Whatever turns you on’
Caroline… ‘Light my fire’
Freddie… ‘You are asking for trouble… Hello dears’
Daisy… ‘How are you?’
Caroline… ‘How are you finding our medium?’
Freddie… ‘She’s good’
Nick… ‘Is she deep tonight?’
Freddie… ‘Yes… land of nod… anyway wonderful to be here and see you all… in the flesh’
Caroline… ‘Yes it’s been some weeks now what with Christmas and New Year’
Freddie… ‘I’m a late present’
Caroline… ‘And the best’
Freddie… ‘You leave me speechless… you really are a naughty girl aren’t you… good for you, I don’t mean to be insulting, just let it all hang out… you’re going to get me into trouble’
Daisy… ‘We’re raising the energy’
Freddie… ‘Not raising my energy… they’re going to pull me in again, you know that old music hall joke where they have the walking stick with the hook on it and they put it round your neck… It’s going to happen to me, I’m going to be hooked out of here… Well I hope you are all feeling very good and very well and are happy to be back speaking to me?’
All… ‘Yes we are’
Caroline… ‘Do you have laughter on your side?’
Freddie… ‘We split our sides dear… we virtually pee our pants’
Caroline… ‘Except that you don’t pee over there’
Freddie… ‘So that’s the good thing, you can pee yourself without feeling uncomfortable’
Daisy… ‘You don’t have pee or you don’t have pants?’
Freddie… ‘I do have pants you know… tight ones… Oh I can see the hook coming, I really can… I’m not going to come back’
Daisy… ‘Please be gentle with him’
Freddie… ‘Oh no… oh no please… I’m very funny I know… I’m all mouth really but let’s not go into that shall we?’
Travis… ‘Oh dear’
Freddie… ‘Well thank you Neddie you got that didn’t you’
Travis… ‘I held back’
Freddie… ‘I never did… I’m terribly sorry, I have to be more of a gentleman or I will get my backside out of here… Yes we do dear we laugh a lot but not at anyone… not hurtful’
Caroline… ‘You don’t cry do you?’
Freddie… ‘We feel sad. We see and hear of things happening and we can feel very sad… we do cry, we look at the earth and we cry and we look at the people who come over here and see what the world has done to them. We have many emotions over here darling, we feel exactly the way we felt when we were on your side you see’
Caroline… ‘But do you look at people on our side and cry because you miss them?’
Freddie… ‘No… no you have a little yearning but you see you know that they are going to come and be with you again. But you do look at the earth and see the hurt and because we are so used to the love in the atmosphere over here it is sad to see what is happening to some human beings and also to some of the animals’
Caroline… ‘I suppose because there’s no time on your side it doesn’t seem so long for you to wait for your loved ones to come over’
Freddie… ‘No… to you I suppose life seems like an eternity… but we do feel emotions, yes of course we do. It’s wonderful to have… a vantage point I suppose is what we call it and we do see a lot… good things too and we see lots of funny things so yes we do all have a titter yes. You can appear very funny and very peculiar to us but we are also funny and peculiar in our own way. It just doesn’t make a great deal of difference to your emotions over here and as I said earlier we just have this vantage point.
Les… ‘Freddie can I ask a question?’
Freddie… ‘Yes of course you can darling’
Les… ‘We lost from our side yesterday a notorious murderer and if this is not appropriate please tell me’
Freddie… ‘Oh I don’t mind, I don’t mind’
Les… ‘I just wondered how he would be received on your side and what would happen to him now?’
Freddie… ‘He will be received with love and understanding… Gradually he will become more enlightened… We are not cross with anyone when they come over here. They are all met with love and understanding. When I say love and understanding we don’t mean that we condone the things that they have done… not at all, but he will meet each individual that he did hurt, and he will feel that hurt, and plus the fact that he has come over here under his own steam, that is something else that he will regret, he ought to have sat it out, and he ought to have helped by talking, and you must realize darlings there’s a nuance there you know. Some people are obsessed with holding their hands at a certain angle or crossing their eyes in a certain way. You all have your little idiosyncrasies and some, well, are dangerous aren’t they. They feel this great urge, this thing that was lacking inside, he worked with it, if you can understand what I’m saying… Anyway enough of that I think, but I hope I have made the situation of what will happen or what is happening very clear. You must never, never think that anyone is met here with anger and you know darlings when you see that light it must be quite frightening for him so really if I can say to you send some love and thoughts and see if you can help him and help the spirit people who are working with him. It may seem an unjust thing for me to ask of you but it is the right thing to do. What is the point of hatred? You can be angry of course and the people who came over here I’m sure they are no longer angry and are trying to understand this person so you have to try and understand… that is my answer to you anyway’
Daisy… ‘That was very deep thank you’
Freddie… ‘Let’s talk dirty again… It’s so wonderful to be back with you all again… I’ve been on my holidays you know’
Caroline… ‘You were in Mauritius with the medium?’
Freddie… ‘Of course I was darling, you don’t think I was going to let a chance like that go by… see the old tart in a swim suit… Yes well you know we’re allowed to pop in here, there and whenever, we have to earn it of course’
Caroline… ‘How do you do that’
Freddie… ‘Being a good boy and not being dirty with you… anyway it’s time to toodle pip you know’
Caroline… ‘It’s good to talk to you’
Freddie… ‘Yes I know… lovely to speak with you’
Caroline… ‘Au revoir’
Freddie… ‘Au revoir… you beat me to it darling’
Caroline… ‘Sorry’
Freddie… ‘Yes you will be… I can easily make you pee your pants you know… Au revoir darlings…’