We were playing one of Queen’s songs and heard loud singing in the cabinet which seemed to move around the cabinet independent of Joan the medium… Then we heard Freddie speaking and we paused the music…
Daisy… ‘That was a very good song’
Freddie… ‘That’s quality darling… wonderful, wonderful, wonderful… I won’t interrupt because we are working…
Nick… ‘Would you prefer us to put the music back on?’
Freddie… ‘Oh I suppose so, it’s good isn’t it, it’s very good, wonderful voice yes a beautiful voice, no strain, just available… Anyway I’ve been told to take a hop, skip and a jump. I may be able to speak later, I don’t know, it’s very difficult, we do miss the other dear lady’ (Caroline wasn’t with us tonight)
Nick… ‘Makes a difference does it?’
Freddie… ‘Oh yes it does but we’re managing you know… Anyway let’s see what we can pull out of the bag’
Nick… ‘That’s not a very nice thing to say about the medium’
Freddie… ‘No… I can’t resist… It’s my wonderful sense of humour and my big personality… and I think we will stop there before we go any further, au revoir darlings’
All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’
Freddie… ‘Love you all, beautiful people that you are’
After a bit of music a new communicator came through…
… ‘I will love you always. I will know you always. I will not hold you always. I will allow you to fly higher and higher so that you can progress to paradise. We will love you always. We will help you to achieve paradise. It is for every man and in the life to come you will endeavour to pursue the wonders and the wonderful ways of life that become yours because of your beauty of love. I try to explain to you that it is yours for the asking. It is obtainable but you will have many, many journeys before you reach the point of paradise… In those journeys it is for you to decide how long, how good or how wretched that you make those lives. We come to guide you and to inform you that it is up to each individual how you deal with all situations. I wish you well… You have many, many more lives to live. You have many, many more spheres to visit, each one interesting and helpful to you. I will be with you always. I will love you always. There are many who love and help you. We are so very happy that you are aware of our world… I wish to you success in the good that you seek… Goodbye’
All… ‘Goodbye’
Daisy… ‘Thank you very much’
Travis… ‘Wow’
Daisy… ‘It sounds like God… it’s the words of God’
Tob… ‘Tob… wonderful, wonderful’
Nick… ‘Was that one of our new friends speaking just then?’
Tob… ‘Yes one of many’
Daisy… ‘It makes the heart swell’
Tob… ‘Oh then we have been successful… We big pat on back. To be told that you are loved is a big help yes, any sore that you feel within you that is festering, wash it clean yes, have no enemies. You may not always like the people but do not hurt the people, they are going the same way as you are and I have got to say to you love one another… Au revoir’
All… ‘Au revoir Tob, thank you’