About halfway through the session Les and Daisy reported seeing light in the area of the cabinet then an unknown communicator came through with a long message…
‘You must try to look at the world through the eyes of children. They have more clarity because they have not been tainted… you must not allow yourselves to become tainted, then you’ll all get the world through the eyes of an adult. For there are many people who are blinded. Their view of life can be tainted. A child has not the knowledge of an adult and in your world they do say out of the mouths of babes there are many simply put sentences which mean a great deal for there is an honesty in the child. It is your responsibility to nurture the child that is within. I do not expect that you walk around with childish attitude for that is not the way we want you to behave.
We cannot dictate as to how you conduct your life for there are many experiences that you must endure and sometimes our world and your world is conducted in most interesting way and it is staying true to whatever the effort may be. For when you try to complicate things then the things become warped, they become distorted for you are looking for many problems that are not there. I suggest that you treat life and all you see in most simplistic way that you can without being without knowledge. I say to you these things which may be contradiction in terms but I hope you understand that the more ways you look at things straight and forward and simple and it is then decided which is not logical. Obviously there are times when things are not simplistic but if you have simplistic approach then this quite often can help you to see the whole issue and how to live and I don’t say that they all have purity, the childrens way, if you can understand you are looking at it as a child with honesty with curiosity and the answer come to you in the way that the child understands. As an adult sometimes we are too adult. Forget what your world has taught, take the scales from your eyes and look in the simplest way possible.
I do hope that you have understood, I feel that I have not explained to you very well, for I am trying to be simplistic and I do not want to say to you that every child has not correct answer for many small adults are children, many adults are small children, you understand? From young age some people have a point of view that is not always as pure and as simple as maybe it ought to be but you people have the intelligence, you have the knowledge and it is all so simply put before you and you look at all situations with a simplistic purity and quite often you will find that problem was easy to explain.
I hope you have listened to me with an understanding and we in this world are giving to you as much as we are allowed to give for your earth as you know is cruel and you have to go through the grey and the same does apply here for there are many, many, mansions in my father’s house and they wait for you, they welcome you but you must not interrupt your life on earth, you must wait for every day to unfold and there will come a time for your journey to us and we would like to say to you do not waste your time on earth dreaming of heaven for you have much work and are given many opportunities to work and this brings me back to the simplistic look and view of life, the simplistic view of the beauty of your earth, the trees the plants. You may hear how in heaven colours are extreme, their beauty is extreme, appreciate what you have today and let tomorrow’s flowers and trees wait until you have done your work for they will be there for you.
You must not tire of life, you must not tire of any problems that may be presented to you for they are a gift… very difficult? But you see you are being watched, you are being judged. Do you know who does this to you? …yourselves. You feel failure when you know you have said or done the wrong thing in any situation.
I don’t wish to insult you by saying these simple things but be uncomplicated, call the wind the wind, the sun the sun, the light the light and avoid the dark, then it will bring you many joys and I speak of your joys on earth and I can hear you thinking that maybe there are not many joys on earth, but there are for you have simply complicated your lives.
I speak to you words that have been spoken to me. I give my advice to you with a heart that is full of love and understanding of your situations on the earth. Treat every day like it is a new born and take the good and use it and my dear friends sometimes you will meet so fiercely with the darkness but you have a light within to deal with this. You can say you may hurt my mortal frame but you cannot hurt that light that shines within me, that I have nurtured and I have learnt by.
You are well received by the people who come and speak to you. We are not so far removed that we do not understand you. We too have walked your earth, we too have had experiences, we too have had success, we too have had failure. We only wish to say to you always look for the good in whatever may come your way, for the light is the answer to all. The light is the salvation of the earth, make it bright, for there are many dark avenues and roads that are becoming dull and dark. For there are many people who go into the world for material things and they like flies are trapped and they struggle and they fight and they are stuck… Don’t go where you may get stuck, always send your light into these dark entry ways so that you can help uplift and you as one being are joined by many from spirit for it is important to us that you have as much light to light the way, to make your world in it’s full glory and beauty and when you have achieved the world of light then the heaven and the earth are one… Then you have exaggerated beauty in the trees, the flowers, but in the meantime your trees, your flowers are beautiful. They are where you are at this moment in time, in your moment of time for there are many, many gifts of experience for you and if you find that you cannot deal, then we will help you as we can, as we are allowed.
I have enjoyed coming and speaking, we all have a time allotted to us to speak with you and we feel that great pleasure in having the opportunity and we hope that we and the words we use are of assistance to you for this is our main way of meeting with you, this is our purpose. You can feel within when you do right and when you do wrong. You are the only person who is hurt, for you judge yourselves… thank you.’
After that fascinating talk we were all brought back down to earth as Freddie came through while we played one of his tunes…
Freddie… ‘That’s me… we will rock you… I’m a star…’
Daisy… ‘That was good wasn’t it’
Freddie… ‘Yes of course it was… I thought it was the best of the evening, then I’m rather biased… I am so very happy that you like my music’
Caroline… ‘It must be wonderful for you to hear it?’
Freddie… ‘Yes… well you know I perform over here, yes of course I do, nothing gets wasted’
Caroline… ‘But you haven’t got your backing group over there?’
Freddie… ‘We can magic it, it’s a kind of magic’
Nick… ‘Have you composed new songs on your side?’
Freddie… ‘Yes’
Nick… ‘Maybe one day you could sing a new song to us?’
Freddie… ‘Yes, but not ready for human consumption as it were. It’s beyond your understanding… the words… because the words describe things that you have never seen, so how can you be presented with it because it doesn’t make any sense… It’s a kind of magic darlings and you’ll just have to wait… I do hope your time spent with us has been enjoyable, we do find your company refreshing. Yes, you get tired of speaking to dead people. You know there’s so many rising from the dead every second and it’s repetition, repetition. No darling you don’t lie in the grave for ever and ever until some solitary soul plays the trumpet, no way ducks, you just get on with life as you have known it. That takes a bit of explaining to a few dears and sometimes you feel like saying oh sod it and get on with it. You get a few surprised faces over here and you have to say yes darling you are dead but you’re still alive and just sit down there while we try and explain it to you. It can become tedious’
Caroline… ‘Are you finding nowadays more people are coming over there being more aware?’
Freddie… ‘Yes… well no dear… When I was younger I always knew that there was more than life on the earth. I don’t know how I knew, I suppose people live in hope and you know as the chap said earlier, don’t waste your time, get it right while you’re there and then you can have a big bite of the apple over here instead of it being like a carrot on the end of the donkey’s nose. You know get straight into it dears that’s my advice… So be good little bodies and you will reap your rewards, you can come and have a cup of tea’
Caroline… ‘I’d like to wait a few years if you don’t mind Freddie’
Freddie… ‘Well you can please yourself but that is the right attitude dear, you’ve got a few years to get it right. Not that you have a lot to put right’
Caroline… ‘Thank you Freddie’
Freddie… ‘Anyway I do have to kick off… That’s very good, I made that up very quickly. Now when you come over remember the words… OK, OK and then off you go… I shall write a song around that. All sit in a circle and sing… OK, OK, KO, KO, KO… It may not sound much but I will do my best, yes of course and we shall all have a cup of Earl Grey’
Caroline… ‘You even drink my tea’
Freddie… ‘Not yours darling, mine. You really are a presumptuous little girl aren’t you… anyway I’ve been kicked out… Au revoir darlings’
All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’
Freddie… ‘And be good and be ready and get set and go… au revoir’
Tob… ‘Tob, not a day go from your life, a new day come. You write whole story so it make people smile, it make people applaud you for not only do you benefit because you have made other people smile. You have written your story and all the people will learn and I repeat to you all the time, the ripples in the pond. I give you good advice. This I do for you. I wish to stress the importance that you make your story for all people to learn from. For people when your story finished and the end of your story come people, when your earthly book is bought, they will smile and you happy successful… ripple in the pond my friends always be aware when you skim the water that the ripple goes on and on and affect many people, touch many shores… no power left I have to now leave with the love in my heart for you, au revoir’
All… ‘Au revoir Tob’