A few days before this sitting the Madrid train bombings had occurred and were still very much on the minds of the sitters, but Freddie was as cheery as ever…
Freddie… ‘Hello darlings, I do hope you are all feeling in good condition and you have waggy tails and a cold nose’
Caroline… ‘We’re living in very unpredictable times at the moment, I’m sure you are aware of what’s going on’
Freddie… ‘Oh yes dear, you mustn’t let it prey on your mind… It’s all part of your learning, it is all part of the world at the moment, it is destined to be and what a shambles it all is… It’s quite disgusting darling, it is quite unbelievably disgusting. However they are all being looked after, the ones that came over, and the ones you have to send your thoughts and prayers to are the ones that are left behind. I can’t say any more really because I can’t make it any better with my words, because there really isn’t a reason I can give you for it happening, it is pure and simple savagery’
Caroline… ‘I think a lot of people turn away from religion because they don’t understand how God can let these things happen’
Freddie… ‘Yes I know… there are too many gods in your world, too many ideas of God in your world, and really all God wants them to do is be kind and understand one another. Is it too much to ask of a person to understand another person’s religion.
You see it’s so good that in the future we’re going to get people come and visit us and we’re going to be able to ease their minds of the troubles that they feel in their hearts. For you know we have tragedies like the terrorists but there are tragedies every day with aids, with drugs, with violence. Tragedies every day simply because people can be so selfish or they don’t care about anyone’s opinion but their own and some people are just too selfish for words and if you think self, self, self, it doesn’t paint a good picture…
But don’t be down, please don’t be down for there are many people like you in the world and after a few bits and bobs that are bound to happen it will settle down again. Some sanity will return. The ordinary person in the street is horrified by these actions. It is the minority who have created all these problems and we feel insulted, their religion has been insulted and they don’t deal with it very well, it is so sad, so, so unnecessary when there is so much to be happy about, but as I say it will come to an end and you just have to do the best you can in the situation that you are in. There’s nothing else that you can do. We hear you speaking and we hear you asking can you help us, can you help with the situation and we are doing all we can do to reach the minds of the perpetrators. Don’t get too downcast darlings, it is a wonderful world spoilt by a few and if you look back over the history of the world it’s always been the same, just become slightly more sophisticated with the weapons that are being used and the more sophisticated it becomes the worse the explosions and the outcome of these explosions…
Well you got me onto that subject and I hope I’ve been able to explain to you within reason what to think and what to expect I suppose, but how sad darlings, my heart does ache for you all when I look and see the muddle of it all, when it could be quite wonderful. You know you could all sing together, you could all work together and you could progress into the light together. You’re all human beings and you are all equal in the sight of the one god who is the light of the world and these thoughts and man-made ideas destroy the beauty and the happiness of many…
Well I’m very proud of myself after that… but you see darlings I am just a human being as you are. No matter what rank, what colour, what creed. You are responsible for you. You cannot be held responsible for others and some people become power happy and dangerous and they see no other point of view but their own and quite often their point of view becomes discoloured and this is where the tragedy all starts. I think you would agree with me on that dears?’
All… ‘Yes’
Caroline… ‘It’s just been going on for so many hundreds and thousands of years you just wonder if it’s ever going to change’
Freddie… ‘When are they ever going to learn… as I say I do feel sorry for you people but you have to do your stint dears, you have to get on with it, and we will love and protect you as much as we possibly can. So don’t feel alone for we have become very close on this side and also I know you people are having a wonderful experience with one another and enjoying one another’s company and we all have a common goal. We are all working hard to achieve it and that will be worth waiting for…
I suppose I’d better go, polish my wings, love to you all darlings we really do have a good feeling together… au revoir’
All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’
There was some slow, soft singing from the cabinet then a new communicator took control…
‘I love you… always remember that you are loved, no matter what befalls you, you are loved and I wish for thoughts to you that love will give you the courage and the endurance that you may need to carry you through your lives. Do not be afraid of the darkness for they are poor souls who are pitied and we also love those people. We are touched by your anxieties and your fears. Let me reassure you that you are only walking your earth in an overcoat for within and underneath that overcoat is a being of love and light and within all people underneath this overcoat are beings of love and light. The only problem is that they have lost sight of the light and they have allowed their world and their views to become clouded and dark. But they are beings of love and light. It may take many, many seasons for them to get a glimpse of this love and light. They come to our side still with their anger, still with the pain even when they are faced with the pain and anxiety that they have given to others. They are not going to listen for they have much learning to do. For any kind of person who inflicts their will and their views on others it is a sad, sad thing that they do. For we are trying so hard to provide your world with the love and the happiness and the light that it can surely deal with and then the dark clouds come to you. You can only feel love for that dark cloud that is covering the soul who is love and light. There are many evil beings that are down on earth in the name of God and I’m afraid it’s a learning process that may come to our side that we have to take care of for many, many seasons. So feel anger at the damage that is being done but don’t allow the love and the light that is you to be also covered in a dark cloud. I can say to you two wrongs do not make right. Love one another. Very, very difficult, it is your duty to try, thank you so much…’
We then heard more singing in the cabinet ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful…etc’ and we joined in before the communication resumed…
‘Allow music into your lives, say it, make nice sounds and lift your spirit with the sounds and also that of your neighbours. You don’t have to sing out loud all the time but let the music be within you. Listen to the music of the rain, of the wind, of the water. This is so beautiful and it needs to be nurtured and loved just like a human being. Always have the music within you. I don’t mean the kind of music that you are playing here but the music of life. The sounds of life that you are finding particularly beautiful. It will be amazing the feeling that you get. You see our world here is full of music and love is music too. Keep singing for yourself and for the world… goodbye’
All… ‘Goodbye, thank you’
Tob… ‘Big bear, big bear, big bear… Big bear give you honey. Make your taste sweet and we can feast on the sweetness of life. Me big bear, me give you honey for the colour of the sun. Me big bear, me give you honey for the smell so that you can build a world of milk and honey. Talk of love, always think love. This is the only answer I can give to you at this time on your world. Always think love and you will help all situations. You will also make the work we have in our world easier to do.
Au revoir dear, dear friends. Me big bear, me give you much, much honey in your lives… Au revoir…