Mercury Circle 01/06/2004

This week Joan felt a little under the weather with a sore throat. The spirit team had taken her very deep and were giving her some healing. Freddie took full advantage of Joan being totally ‘out of it’ and was able to bring more of himself through including a few ‘colourful’ words.
Before the Mercury Circle started in 1999 we had all met up at Colin Fry’s Friday Group which was a weekly trance evening. Magnus was the spokesperson for a group of spirits known as the Diamond and he would speak through Colin answering questions from all of us.
Daisy kicks off the following lengthy conversation with Freddie by asking him if it would be possible for Magnus to talk to us again through Joan…

Daisy… ‘Can I ask you a question?’

Freddie… ‘Yes of course you can darling’

Daisy… ‘You know we all started off in the Friday group at Colin’s with Magnus. I was just thinking as we have a bond of friendship with the Diamond group and especially Magnus, I wondered if along the way we could invite him as a guest speaker just to say hello and how things are because I do really miss him’

Freddie… ‘Yes, I understand that perfectly darling because you all learned so much, so very much and I appreciate what you say and I’m sure he has heard your welcoming speech to come and join you at some time so I can’t say yay or nay, I can’t speak for him, he has his own way of doing things. But you see darlings you all met one another at the Friday group, you were brought together for this purpose and this purpose alone, it was the beginning and it was the means to the end and yes you have made very good friends with the people who are in that group, the Diamond… yes… I think that it was time to move on because the purpose of you all coming together is to speak with me you see’

Daisy… ‘I’m not saying that with disrespect to our group, I do love our group’

Freddie… ‘I do understand and I know how you can miss old friends but sometimes the time has been spent and it is time to say I have my own road to travel. You see the people in that group dear, the Friday group, the Diamond, have their own way to go over here and we have all met up and touched each other at some time and I am quite sure that they still have the love and the interest in their hearts for you, you are not forgotten, no you are certainly not forgotten my dears because it was all planned such a long time ago, in fact I think the buggers did it to get me over here you know…
I was having a perfectly good time, I was having a ball, and then look what happened, I became an angel instead of a fairy!!! …it was welcomed darlings, I must stop being a fool’

Daisy… ‘No you’re not’

Freddie… ‘Oh yes I am… are we going to say oh no you’re not? …oh yes I am. I’m far too sophisticated darling to play those games’

Nick… ‘Was it very soon from when you went over that you became involved in communicating with our side?’

Freddie… ‘Yes, yes as soon as I became quite well I became interested. I was interested when I was on your side, on the earth, but you know darlings you do find that people who are in the theatre or connected with show business do have an interest in this simply because they’re artistic and so they’re sensitive so therefore they’re very easily persuaded’

Caroline… ‘And they’re good communicators’

Freddie… ‘Yes, and you see nothing can make me sit down and shut up’

Daisy… ‘Freddie, when you said that you got well after you passed on, I know you suffered a lot of physical pain but did it take a long time to get well?’

Freddie… ‘Well we don’t have a time scale here have we, but when I came over I really was very, very weak and needed a great deal of rest and when you are feeling strong and able you are then sort of released to the people that you are going to be living with and people who will help and guide you… because not only was my physical body depleted my other body was feeling weakened too…’

Nick… ‘Your etheric body?’

Freddie… ‘yes… it had to be regenerated as it were and so this takes time, I don’t know how long. I suppose I was keen and interested, you know if you have an interest in something it makes you feel lighter and brighter, it makes you want to look into things and I met so many interesting people and you know darlings I had a lot of friends who had come over with aids so they were all gunning for me and I had so much to talk about so really I did very, very well and settled in but you know darlings when you have a lot of friends and you’re thinking bugger me what’s going on, they are dead… So I was interested as to how and why, what and where they had come from. It takes a little bit of getting used to. But then again you see I was conditioned for the arrival over here because I was so in and out of consciousness and feeling the way I felt I was happy to get here. I’d had just about as much as I could take because as I say in my song, I wasn’t half the man I used to be, but it doesn’t matter anymore because I’m fit and happy and well. I’m interested and I love all of you dears’

Caroline… ‘So when people go over to your side with an illness, they don’t immediately wake up feeling better?’

Freddie… ‘No dear because you are depleted and you need to be conditioned I suppose you just need to be regenerated and just because you are involved in this you are still quite a stranger too… a shock to the system I suppose… I’d become a bloody ghost!!!’

Daisy… ‘It must be quite a shock for those who come over in an accident’

Freddie… ‘We’re all prepared for those you see darling because they are put into a place where the conditions are right for them and you know they can be here having the healing and being conditioned to their conditions and they will have someone who is looking after them and helping them and it will come to a time when someone they know will come and maybe say hello and things are usually explained to them… and you know some people have a horrified expression on their face which is hilarious… but so many people are relieved and happy that there’s something after the earth and their deaths so it works two ways you see darlings.
I’m having a good old chin-wag, it’s wonderful, I am enjoying myself’

Daisy… ‘So are we’

Freddie... ‘That’s good, and how’s Neddie doing?’

Travis... ‘I’m fine, enjoying listening to you’

Freddie… ‘Well you always did dear, everything else pales into insignificance doesn’t it darling…
Say yes, please’

Travis… ‘Oh, yes’

Freddie… ‘Then I’ll still be your friend’

Caroline… ‘Freddie, what happens to people who come over to your side from committing suicide, I’ve heard so many different things like some are chastised or sent to a different place?’

Freddie… ‘The way that I know of it is if you bring yourself over here before your time, you have still got lessons to learn darling, and there’s no escaping that so you will still face the conditions that you would have faced on earth and you have to still work though them but it is done with kindness and with love. No one gets a slapped wrist here dear. They have been silly. Some people will say they were selfish, they were cowards but no one knows what is going on in another person’s mind, so we’d rather you didn’t do it but I’m not going to say to you that it is completely wrong because it is their decision and their decision alone, but quite often if they are grieving for someone…
I can tell you a story actually. I was very good friends with Diana Dors and she came over here with cancer and she left her husband behind. He committed suicide to be with her. I’m sorry dear it didn’t happen. He had to go to his own place, work his way through whatever he had to work through before he would be allowed to join her. So it was very frustrating knowing he was doing the wrong thing. So it may seem like the easy way out but you still have to face whatever you had to face and learn while you were on earth but no one is condemned. You really are over here at the stage you were on the earth. You are just on this side doing it instead of on the earth doing it, you understand dears?’

Caroline… ‘Yes, are you still friends with Diana Dors?’

Freddie… ‘Oh I see her now and again, you know, you don’t lose touch with friends but you know it will happen that you will come over here and we will say hello now and again to one another…’

Caroline… ‘I actually went swimming with her when I was about seven’

Freddie… ‘Really?’

Caroline… ‘When she was an actress in Worthing’

Freddie… ‘Yes I was rather fond of her, she had a pretty poor reputation but you know darlings, when you achieve everything you are rather more naughty than if you have to work for a crust, you have more time to play dear, so these people play rather a lot, and really if they’re hurting anyone they’re hurting themselves aren’t they, but I’m no judge, I’m not allowed, I don’t want to judge others, I’ve got my own heap to deal with dear’

Caroline… ‘And you’re still learning and paying for things you’ve…’

Freddie… ‘Oh I’ve got a long way to go but I’ve come a long way and I’m very happy and very contented and I’m very interested and I’m very well and still looking very good, so that’s told you lot hasn’t it…
Don’t fear coming over here, don’t fear it, it’s very interesting here, you’re allowed to do things which you didn’t have the time, the patience or the money to do while you were on earth.
It is so much more real. Whatever you are wanting to do it appears more real, more easier and more wonderful to do.
I am being very good tonight aren’t I’

All… ‘Yes very clear’

Freddie… ‘Yes I’m enjoying it because the old tart… we can’t do too much with her… better give her some healing I think’

Nick… ‘She’s quite out of it now is she?’

Freddie… ‘Yes, she’s got her head on my shoulder. She thinks it’s wonderful, so do I’

Nick… ‘When you speak to us like this can you only use words that are in her vocabulary?’

Freddie… ‘Well I drop them in… I drop MY words in’

Nick… ‘So you could use a word she hadn’t heard of if you wanted?’

Freddie… ‘Well I suppose I could, I know quite a few words but I expect she’s heard them, yes, she doesn’t fool me’

Nick… ‘So could somebody speak in a foreign language that she didn’t know?’

Freddie… ‘Well you see darling over here it doesn’t matter about language. I know some people do come through and speak in their language that they spoke on earth. That is possible, of course it is, you know it’s happened time after time’

Caroline… ‘If the medium mispronounces a word that the spirit has put through the medium, does it still come out incorrectly?’

Freddie… ‘Yes because we’re using that medium’s mind, and you know she speaks in a peculiar way anyway’

Nick… ‘Can you hear what you’re saying?’

Freddie… ‘Yes darling I’m very aware of what I’m saying, I’m very close to her’

Nick… ‘So if you put a word through her which came out wrong this end you would know and could correct it?’

Freddie… ‘Yes, very easily…
It’s really good to be here you know, speaking with you’

Daisy… ‘What is your personal belief in reincarnation?’

Freddie… ‘I don’t want to believe in it dear, you see I had such a good time when I was on the earth. I want to take whatever I created and take it further and influence other musicians and other people who I can help. I just want to move on, I don’t want to come back’

Daisy… ‘Are you allowed to come back?’

Freddie… ‘I don’t know, I don’t know, you see darling you have people here who still go to church, they still have their beliefs, so if you were a Christian, a Muslim, Parsi or whatever you have people who still believe this, and if you have people coming over here who are determined to have lived 90 lives then they are allowed to believe it until it becomes clear to them what is what and I think you know your Diamond friend did touch on this subject and he said it was just having met up with different people that gave you these memories and I for one darlings would prefer to believe that, much prefer but it remains to be seen dear.
I think we have a lot to say in what we would like to do. No one demands us to do anything, you become interested you see and keen to do things and as I said to you earlier, things are so much easier to achieve here because you haven’t got your material world view to consider and you see it’s virtual reality I suppose, because you know it’s like re-enactments, we have access to so many things here that I can’t really begin to explain to you which may sound like it’s a cop out but I can’t begin to explain’

Caroline… ‘The Buddhists believe in reincarnation don’t they?’

Freddie… ‘Yes, and you see Buddhists will be Buddhists. The Christians will be Christians, and the Catholics will stay away from our séances!!!’

Daisy… ‘But I’m here’

Freddie… ‘Yes but you have moved on… I’ve got to go and ride my bicycle I’ve got to ride my bike.

Daisy… ‘It’s lovely talking to you’

Freddie… ‘I know it’s lovely talking to you, we are a mutual admiration… I have so enjoyed being in your company. I do hope I haven’t bored you. I do hope I have answered all your questions in an intelligent and interesting way’

All… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘That’s good, then I’m one step further up the ladder… hip, hip, hooray’     

Caroline… ‘Lot’s of Brownie points’

Freddie… ‘Brownie yes, not the boy scouts’

Travis… ‘Brings it down to earth’

Freddie… ‘I prefer their uniform… I have to go dears’

Daisy… ‘See you next week’

Freddie… ‘I hope so then we will hopefully have cured the old tart, but we’ve done very well.
Au revoir darlings and I give each and every one of you a big kiss and I dare not say hope to see you here soon… so same place, same time next week dears, au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’