Mercury Circle 10/08/2004

It was a hot August night and we had an electric fan in the room to keep us cool.
About half way through the evening we heard a communicator trying to speak. We turned down the music and Travis turned off the fan so we could hear…

All… ‘Hello?’

Comm… ‘I heard you… I heard you, yes I heard you… this is all so very interesting’

Nick… ‘You’re welcome to have a chat with us if you like’

Comm… ‘Yes I’m trying, it’s hard…
I do not want to be indifferent, I once felt indifferent, rather I was economical in my judgement. I had to open my eyes so that I could see the reality of it all. I can see energies, I can also see crates, all different colours’

Nick… ‘Do you know what the crates are?’

Comm… ‘Containers’

Nick… ‘They are in this room are they?’

Comm… ‘I can see them and the colours merge… blue, purple, yellow… it’s a colour sandwich’

Daisy… ‘Are you seeing the crates and colours in us?’

Comm… ‘It’s your lights, it’s your colours’

Daisy… ‘How wonderful’

Comm… ‘They show how close you are, you are fused together and the colours are fused together and the fused colour is used by our people…
So when you make a sandwich you have bread, you have butter, you have the filling and you have more bread and maybe a little seasoning…
So you see there are many ingredients in this sandwich and to make a tasty sandwich you have to think about it and prepare it. So we have made a very careful sandwich, we’ve thought about the ingredients very much, that is so important. I thought you might find that quite interesting’

All… ‘Yes’

Comm… ‘I do hope so because that is how we view your energies’

Daisy… ‘Do you think you could tell us individually what our colours are before they are fused together?’

Comm… ‘You all have different colours. You see your thoughts create colours around you and hence your thoughts quite often differ from time to time so I can’t say they’re red, white or blue. That is impossible but because you have been coming and meeting with us, we’ve got to know you and we take a little energy here, a little energy there and the energies that we are taking are the energies we want and maybe we add a little yellow from whoever, a little bit of blue and a little bit of green again from whoever and we build and we store until we have an abundance. I hope you found that interesting?’

All… ‘Yes we did’

Daisy… ‘Is that William?’

Comm… ‘No’

Daisy… ‘May we know who you are please?’

Comm… ‘It isn’t important’

Nick… ‘Is it the first time you’ve spoken to us?’

Comm… ‘No’

Caroline… ‘Can you tell us what you actually do with this energy you have?’

Comm… ‘We store it and we as a group add our own energies to it and we fuse the energies together and it’s hard. What I want you to see is it is hard, it isn’t an easy process. Some people seem to achieve it at a shorter length of time. Others are spending a long time but we are interested in you and us and in a great deal of preparation to enable us to do what we are hoping to achieve’

Daisy… ‘Thank you for sharing that with us’

Later Freddie joined us for a chat…

Freddie… ‘Good evening to you and it has been a good evening too.
Well darlings I am the finale of this show, well Tob has to come and close it of course, I’d just like to say how happy we are to be with you, the batting is getting closer now darlings we’ll soon be odds on don’t you agree?’

Travis… ‘I like your language’

Freddie… ‘Well I shall stop talking like that, don’t want to make you too happy, why should I? Oh I do enjoy being a bit of a bitch… Queen bitch, oh that makes me so happy, they were very happy days, I was so pleased with myself. I look back and see I was such a success in the music I loved. So when you are successful in doing something that you love you are very lucky’

Daisy… ‘Can I add something to that Freddie?’

Freddie… ‘Yes’

Daisy… ‘Your music is still making lots of people happy, in fact what you left financially has increased tenfold according to one of the television shows’

Freddie… ‘Yes, I believe you mean my properties, but you see there is also royalties going to the trust and that is important.
I loved my home very much. I enjoyed shopping for things to build my home, to display my art, my ideas, my personality. You know I was never humble darlings it isn’t in my nature but I was never a hard person so I have my little home here and I collect if I’m a good boy because you can only go shopping for brownie points here darlings, it isn’t a financial gain it’s brownie points’

Caroline… ‘What sort of things have you bought?’

Freddie… ‘Oh I like pieces of art and glass ware, I do like glass ware and I enjoy furniture’

Caroline… ‘Do you have antiques over there?’

Freddie... ‘Yes, oh yes we can have what we desire’

Caroline… ‘Because it’s in your mind rather than reality?’

Freddie… ‘Well is yours in your mind dear? that’s to be debated, but you have to deserve what you are awarded. You see things that I particularly liked when I was on the earth, I’m allowed to have them here, replicas, so I have bits and pieces that they have reproduced for me but you know I do enjoy my surroundings’

Caroline… ‘Can I just… I find it difficult to understand, if things aren’t real or physical, but in the mind of the people over there… if you’re thinking about a particular object how does the other person see it if they don’t have that same object in mind?’

Freddie… ‘It is a replica… it is as solid as it is on the earth. You see our world is real to us. I can’t really begin to explain to you that our law here is you deserve what you get and you don’t have to ask for these things, you don’t have to work for these things, you don’t even think about these things for you are so busy with the important things so these pleasant things do happen now and again where they will take a replica of a structure which you have been particularly fond of and they will bring it here’

Caroline… ‘Even a house?’

Freddie… ‘Yes if you want, if you have been good enough, if you deserve it but you see darling your attitude changes rather when you come over here you know that mansion isn’t as important as it used to be’

Caroline… ‘No I was only mentioning the house because of it’s size’

Freddie… ‘Yes if you love it enough, yes we can make replicas’

Caroline… ‘And you can garden over there?’

Freddie… ‘Yes you can garden, we have many gardeners here. You see we have people here who follow their dreams. They were not able to follow their dreams when on earth because of many situations in their lives. It’s simple when you realise. We’re not so very different from you. We have our homes, we have our possessions. They’re ours to make life happy and comfortable’

Caroline… ‘I’ve read that some people come back and experience different lives with different souls, is that something that you’ve had anything to do with?’

Freddie… ‘No… No, you see I am happy here and I am at contentment and I think you have to realise that different people have different visualizations of what actually occurs. You see people come here with ideas of what over here is really like and they attune to that and they create that if it makes them happy but then they begin to become bored. You know a fortnight beside the seaside is quite sufficient thank you and when that fortnight is over you begin to perceive of other people and their ideas and then you open your mind to a new way of thinking. Do you understand what I am saying?’

All… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘So you see it’s like everyone tells the same story in a different way. I don’t want to believe that we come back so I’m not too aware of what is what if you know what I mean, I ignore it I suppose, but I bloody well don’t want to come back again’

Caroline… ‘But you wouldn’t come back as you were anyway. You’d come back as someone else in a different time to learn other lessons’

Freddie… ‘No darling you can learn here as well, you know if I was ever very rude to somebody I shall apologise when they come over and I expect them to apologise to me. I’m not an angel here. It’s different but not so very different. It’s so like earth when you come here. You can’t all of a sudden be in fairy land’

Caroline… ‘It’s a state of familiarity at first?’

Freddie… ‘Yes and then you begin to broaden your horizons, if you want to, as I tried to explain. At the seaside for two weeks you begin to think there must be more to life than this so tentatively you have a look round and you begin to learn and open your mind to other things’

Caroline… ‘You don’t have to work and pay bills’

Freddie…  ‘Well you are on a learning process dear, you can sit on a beach for a long, long time but what is the point. You will come to a place that you are familiar with and you will not be overawed with and you will be happy and content for a while and then the mind just wants to move on. You understand what I try to explain?’

All… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘You know it’s so difficult dears, all I can say to you is once you get over a few hurdles… You know some days things will play on your mind that is if you are prepared to move on. You can sit on the beach for a long time and not think but really when you start to think and discover things about yourself, things you like, things you don’t like, then you put them right, you meet other people who are in the same boat or have been on the same beach as you and you begin to bond with these people and because I got off my bottom, I have to say, I met you people didn’t I because I walked away from the beach to see what was a little further afield and I saw what could be done and I was very, very interested and I joined the group and I have enjoyed the pleasure of your company’

Caroline… ‘It often seems people in theatre come through to these groups’

Freddie… ‘Well you know darlings if you meet a lot of people in the business, a lot of them use mediums, a lot of them are mediumistic and they were successful because they could hear spirit. So yes and you know they are very interested. If you are interested in gardening you may never have had a garden on earth but you think what the hell I’d like a go at that, do you see where I’m coming from?’

Caroline… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘But I was interested, I knew that old Jo-Jo (Joan) was in line, we were compatible, you people took a bit of gathering together but we got there in the end’

Caroline… ‘You’re quite happy that we’re this number, you feel this is right?’

Freddie… ‘Yes, yes darlings because you know we just are getting it all together… There’s no point slapping the paint on without preparing it because it will all flake away, so we’re making a very good job of this’

Les… ‘Freddie, have you managed to talk to Brian (May) on this side?’

Freddie… ‘He’s aware of me darling, you see he’s a sensitive too and I do adore the man. He’s gentle and kind but he also had backbone… some days sparks flew and other days we were very compatible, so yes I have visited him and he is also aware of me, yes, it’s amazing how many people are aware’

Daisy… ‘It’s all very interesting what you have said, it’s amazing’

Freddie… ‘Oh I am… no seriously darlings it’s a different world and yes it’s the same… different laws and atmosphere I suppose’

Les… ‘Is everybody nice to each other over there’

Freddie… ‘No…’

Caroline… ‘So is it like down here’

Freddie… ‘Can be…’

Caroline… ‘But you don’t have hooligans and crime do you?’

Freddie… ‘There are areas where people are re-enacting, I suppose, their earthly lives, but it doesn’t really matter anymore’

Caroline… ‘They can’t kill each other because they’re already dead’

Freddie… ‘You see that’s what comes of having a closed mind, this is what I was saying to you, you have to get off the beach, very nice to rest for a while, it’s warm, it’s peaceful, it’s healing. Once you’re healed get out of the chair and get on with it… That’s if you have any kind of mind to do anything, some people sit in those chairs for a very long time’

Caroline… ‘There’s no such thing as time either on your side…’

Freddie… ‘Anyway they’re pulling the plug on me’

Les… ‘You sound a bit tired now Freddie’

Freddie… ‘It may not seem much to you… tell Jo-Jo the cat’s okay’

Les… ‘She’s got a lot on her mind at the moment’

Freddie… ‘Oh silly old tart… we take care of her, we take care of all of you but we can’t live your lives… That darlings is life and you judge yourselves and you have work it out’

Les… ‘We appreciate you being so close to us, we know you’re there’

Freddie… ‘Yes I know you do… and I’m very sexy… okay Neddie?’

Travis… ‘I wouldn’t like to comment!’

Freddie… ‘I know, and I’m coming to get you…’

Daisy… ‘I just want you to know you brighten our lives when you come to talk to us’

Freddie…’Ah… anyway, au revoir dears, keep rocking’

All… ‘Au revoir Freddie, thank you’

Tob… ‘Tob’

All… ‘Hello Tob’

Tob… ‘Yes he good man, good man… stupid but good man, ho, ho… Happy to be here speak, had good learning time with you, and same time same place… walk in the light, live in the light and send light to those who walk and live in the shadows, au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir, thank you’