Mercury Circle 31/03/2004

We were down to three sitters this week as both Les and Caroline were unable to attend but we did get some great trance communication from one of the ‘chemists’ and from Freddie…

Chemist… ‘My dears the music is wonderful, I would like to tell you how it helps us’

Nick… ‘That would be interesting’

Chemist… ‘It creates waves, we send our energy through waves and we all have been chosen because of the energies we have and the compatibility to your energy and so we take the waves of your energy and the waves that have been created by the music and we combine them with our energies until we can make a pattern and that pattern we transfer to the medium and that is how we operate. Then we give the pattern more power, not larger but more power and it enables us to communicate and our lady has an energy that will work with our pattern to enable us to become more solid’

Nick… ‘As in materializations?’

Chemist… ‘Yes… but it is a wonderful process and we are very eager to prove to you that we are progressing and the energy between the two groups will become extensive wavelengths and then once we have the die cast we can progress very quickly... I thought you might be interested in this’

All… ‘Yes very much’

Nick… ‘Do you think it will happen soon, the materializations?’

Chemist… ‘Yes, we have had a time to be with you and we on our side are compatible and when people are compatible then progress I hope will be exclusive. There’s so much that we can learn from this experiment. It is as though we are mingling with you but our waves are different to yours so we have to blend them together’

Nick… ‘How are your waves different to ours?’

Chemist… ‘Ours are higher and faster’

Nick… ‘Do you have to slow your waves down then?’

Chemist… ‘Yes, and we try to lift yours a little. We cannot interfere too much otherwise you will not be able to receive our communication and we feel it is very important that we have this communication for we are interested in the experiment and you might like to know that I am not particularly interested in coming and touching or speaking to you. My ideals and my excitement is to do with science and the organization that we do to help to build and use the energies. The chemistry is my work’

Nick… ‘Were you a scientist when you were on our side?’

Chemist… ‘I was a chemist and I feel very passionate that we get this right and that we the chemists feel the time and the place is right to go ahead’

Daisy… ‘Is it particularly important for us to consider what we eat before we come to the séance because of the chemistry of our bodies?’

Chemist… ‘Only eat what makes you comfortable. It would not be wise to have too large an amount. You are individuals. You will be guided as to how you feel you would like to present yourselves here. I suggest a light meal simply for your own comfort. We don’t have anything to do with your stomachs, we are interested in your energy'

Daisy… ‘The reason I ask this is I read in a book that vegetables would make our vibrations higher’

Chemist… ‘I think vegetables are very good for you but it is the food that makes you feel good and comfortable and if you feel good and comfortable then we can work with you… yes it’s very interesting. I can only tell you that we are progressing. It is moving along and we all have an input to this gathering. I hope you have found my few words helpful’

All… ‘Yes very helpful’

Travis… ‘And very reassuring’

Chemist… ‘Useful information that really does affect you and us on our side. We have facilities that we can lower the vibrations and you with your music and your singing lift your vibrations so it becomes like the sea where it ebbs and it flows and this compatibility with this one motion is in time and in tune and that is how we operate. I may not be interested in touching you I am interested in building the mechanics in order that all the people can touch you’

Nick… ‘Was you aware of this sort of mediumship when you were on our side?’

Chemist… ‘No… simply my chemistry is still a big interest to me and so I joined this group. I was invited just like you people and I find it very interesting and very exciting’

Daisy… ‘I’m not sure whether you are aware that we also meet on a Monday for our own development. We have a new man who’s come and joined us and I was just wondering if you are aware of his energies and if you feel that his energies are compatible for this group?’

Chemist… ‘We have to give a time. We have to make notes and when the time is right an invitation will be extended but in the meantime leave well alone. We are happy and I know you are also happy with the conditions. I have enjoyed having the experience and pleasure of speaking with you, thank you very much, goodbye’

All… ‘Thank you, goodbye’

We had a chat about what we’d just heard then Freddie came through…

Freddie… ‘I think you probably found that most interesting’

All… ‘Very interesting’

Freddie… ‘Yes, he’s like a back stage boy. They’re very important. They don’t get the applause, they don’t get the extensive applause and notice of their work that the front men get, yes, well it’s a very interesting process darlings you have a few of us coming through and speaking and doing our bit but we just slot him in when the stage is set’

Nick… ‘It sounds like it won’t be long before you’re walking amongst us’

Freddie… ‘Oh I hope not darling but we must get our circle back together… get our little friends back and see how it goes, but we have got the old tart so relaxed, oh yes, very little interference. Anyway darlings I do miss our old friends don’t you? I mean it’s alright the three of us… 
You have murdered the music’

Nick… ‘We do our best!’

Daisy… ‘Few in numbers but strong in voice and spirit’

Nick… ‘What do you think of the Russell Watson version of Bohemian Rhapsody?’

Freddie… ‘Yes well… he’s a beautiful young man who has a wonderful voice and who am I to judge? If he wants to record my genius then let him and as you know I am rather a big fan of opera. I do enjoy the opera and he has a wonderful voice and uses it in a different way to the way I used mine. I know I didn’t have the ability to sing in opera but I really did enjoy trying working with other people who had more of a classical training'

Daisy… ‘They were good pieces’

Freddie… ‘I was rather proud of them. I had a few sleepless nights. It was a big job that was facing me but I thought courage and just let it flow… I think to let it flow whatever you do is the best thing I can say to you, you see you let things become constricted you don’t reach your full potential and I was the type of person who wouldn’t let any opportunity pass me by because I just loved the music. I enjoyed being know, I enjoyed being famous. It has it’s down turns sometimes when you seek a little privacy but to be standing in front of a lot of people was quite wonderful darlings, yes, I hope I’m not sounding conceited but it was a wonderful feeling, I did so enjoy the concerts but sometimes it’s like any success, sometimes you tire of it and you need to clear your head. I only had a few close friends who I could trust with my private life. I enjoyed fame and it enabled me to have a life of luxury and travel and do so many interesting things because of the money I had earned but you people mustn’t envy famous people because it isn’t always fun. I think I have to say to you that you are all individuals and you have to allow your star to shine… do you understand me?’

All… ‘Yes’

Freddie… ‘I suppose I was one of the lucky ones but in another way it wasn’t always as bright and as shining as you might think but I had a very interesting time, I loved the music, I adored the music, it was my life darlings everything else was secondary and that’s why I like to listen to your music that you play here, it helps me with my work and it’s good fun it does lift your energies and I can see the energies when you like a piece of music and then when you don’t like the music the energy changes’

Nick… ‘What is your work that it helps you with?’

Freddie… ‘I am the front man aren’t I darling… I mean how stupid can you be, I’m very annoyed with you’

Nick… ‘Sorry I thought you were talking about some other sort of work’

Freddie… ‘Oh no, where have you been? I’m sorry darlings I don’t mean to be rude but I’m rabbiting on and you’re not taking the least bit of interest. I think we should get rid of you and I will have some say in that. I am the front man darlings…
I only joke with you, I’m part of a group and we’re all as important as each other. I have the biggest mouth, I’m used to communicating, yes, don’t you go annoying me, you can’t do that to the star dear boy. I can have a tantrum you know… I hope you understand I’m only joking otherwise I will have a few words spoken to me…
No darlings my work is to hopefully come through and be with you and speak and sing and talk and maybe one or two of you will give me a kiss?’

Daisy… ‘Yes please’

Freddie… ‘I’m being selective… I didn’t die just yesterday you know, anyway I’m becoming stupid again, I have to go the energies are going darlings… Au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Freddie’

Tob… ‘Time to say thank you and may you walk in the light and make the light shine along the path that you walk and light the way for others… I say time to say au revoir’

All… ‘Au revoir Tob, thank you’